An Open “Thank You” Letter to Senator Romney

On Friday, January 31, 2020, Senator Mitt Romney was one of only two Republican senators to vote for witnesses in the impeachment trial. In doing so, he showed courage and independence that should be commended, as he apparently did so without the support of party leadership. Mormon Women for Ethical Government wrote the following open letter to Senator Romney, which hundreds of citizens have signed to echo their thanks.

Dear Senator Romney,

We are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and the unaffiliated. Our combined voices represent the majority of American voters who wanted witnesses in the impeachment trial. Thank you for being the type of leader who courageously seeks for truth, especially when faced with great opposition from within your own party. We stand with you in your decision to do what was right, letting the consequences follow. 

With gratitude,

Roxann Rowberry, Millcreek, UT

Jillaire McMillan, Longmont, CO

Alysia Malmström, Odenton, MD

I’m a Utahn who currently lives in Virginia. Of all the varied reactions to your decision I read on social media there was one attorney friend that put it best, “Mitt Romney has disappointed me more often than he’s pleasantly surprised me… [He’s] probably one of the most lonely men in Washington DC right now, and I’m proud he’s my senator.” Though I deeply disagree with you on issues that have affected me personally, you have earned my respect. Thank you for standing for truth and transparency.
Molly Hogan, Alexandria, VA

Rebecca Goodman, Glen Burnie, MD

Sue Lynn Takagi, Nashville, TN

Thank you so much for standing for the right. Keep up the good work. Vote for impeachment.
Janet Cook, Taylorsville, UT

Dr. Emily Bates, Denver, CO

Sharlee Mullins Glenn, Pleasant Grove, UT

Thank you for reminding us what moral courage looks like.
Lael Gilbert, Logan, UT

Kaitlyn Dressman, Alpine, UT

Karen Peterson, Hamilton, VA

I hope and pray that your efforts to do the right thing inspired others to do the same.
Joanna McCormick, Helena, MT

Thank you, Sir. We need more courage in Congress. It isn’t often an easy task to stand up for what is right in this world. Thank you for setting a good example for the younger generations — my children’s children and yours.
Kerry Wickman, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for not kowtowing to the demands of the president and standing true to your convictions.
Christina Marriott, Highlands Ranch, CO

Crystal Bench, Ogden, UT

Thank you for choosing the harder right instead of the easier wrong.
Jaclyn Day, Winston Salem, NC

Laura Rose Gatley, South Pasadena, CA

Ashley Roth, Lehi, UT

Thank you for letting integrity be your driving force, not coercion or pressure. I fully support you.
Kara Poelman-Kelly, Gilbert, AZ

Kirstin Lathrop, Gilbert, AZ

Diane Knight, Orem, UT

Rochelle Price, Phoenix, AZ

Thank you so much! I appreciate you having the integrity to do what is right when practically nobody else did.
Danica Baird, Herriman, UT

Shayla Dailey, Longmont, CO

Thank you, Senator Romney, for having the courage to stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Jan Flores, La Grange, TX

Thank you for standing up for our laws in spite of the backlash you are receiving from voters in Utah. You’ve given me and my family hope.
Sarah Middlemast, Cedar City, UT

Laura Trigueros, Visalia, CA

Thank you, Senator Romney for standing for the right, regardless of the consequence. Isn’t that what we have been taught all our lives?
Claudia Belden, Smyrna, TN

Christina Felt, Lehi, UT

Kerry Hawk Lessard, Ellicott City, MD

Rhonda Wright, Hyde Park, UT

Jenne Alderks, Bothell, WA

Thank you for standing up. You are a hero.
Charity Jeffs, Peoria, IL

Erin Kurtz, Alameda, CA

Thank you, Senator Romney, for having the courage to stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law.
Jan Flores, La Grange, TX

Dan Cragun, Eugene, OR

Anne Lovell, Sandy, UT

Thank you for your courage to do what is right!
Tommi Jones, Lincoln, NE

Camille Warner, Lehi, UT

I know this vote cost you, in various ways. It was the right thing to do and I have such respect for your decision. Others in your position took the easy way out. With this vote you won in the hearts and minds of a lot of people, Senator. I will be fighting to send those who voted “no” home in 2020. They are not worthy of their elected positions any longer.  Onward!
Amy Holston, Keller, TX

Senator Romney: As an LDS woman, I want to commend you for aligning yourself (over and over again) with the high principles you espouse. You are an anomaly in politics and you are creating a legacy to be proud of. Thank you.
Brooke Zeyer, Ammon, ID

Thank you for having the moral courage to stand for what is right at all times, and in all things and in all places.
Rachel Murdock, Kapolei, HI

Richard Malmström, Odenton, MD

Rachel Shepard, Puyallup, WA

Abby Greenwald, Washington, VA

Jaclyn Olsen, Highland, UT

I pray you will feel the peace that comes from living your honest and righteous convictions. Also sending love to your supportive family. God bless you.
Dana Edvalson, West Linn, OR

Thank you so much for your integrity!
Kim Woodruff, Rexburg, ID

I’m sorry America saw too late the principled man you are. Thank you reaching across the aisle to do the right thing. Your example will not be forgotten. Enjoy the snacks!
Nanette Blackburn, Santa Cruz, CA

Jenny Timmerman, Lehi, UT

Allison Adams, Salt Lake City, UT

Debra Coe, Lehi, UT

Mary Jarrett, South Weber, UT

Thank you for standing with integrity! You are an honorable man.
Rachel Jenkins, O Fallon, MO

Tiffany Nutter, Highland, UT

Julia Parkinson, Ogden, UT

Barbara Sorensen, Gooding, ID

Linda Manning, Los Angeles, CA

Thank you, Senator Romney, for fighting for truth by supporting witnesses being called in the impeachment trial. Our president represents the antithesis of all I believe and hold sacred. Thank you for your willingness to stand up to him and his bullying tactics.
Lisa McArthur, Lehi, UT

Sarah Bradshaw, Springville, UT

Rebecca Wright, Santa Fe, NM

Janeen Glenn, Queen Creek, AZ

Stephanie Porter, Sacramento, CA

Leann Hansen, Sandy, UT

Alyssa May, Orem, UT

Matt Hunter, Layton, UT

Your courage to do what is right inspires me and gives me hope. Thank you.
Denise Roundy, Kingston, WA

Zoe Tighe, Spartanburg, SC

Thank you so much for being strong enough to vote for witnesses. I know you have received a lot of push back for it and I am sorry for the mean people out there. It makes me glad that I voted for you.
Holly Squires, Taylorsville, UT

Thank you so much for putting country ahead of politics, party, and personal interest!
Joi Pearson, Orem, UT

Thank you! Your integrity is what is keeping me from losing all hope in this whole process.
Steffani Thomas, Bristow, VA

Thank you for supporting a full and fair hearing of evidence.
Rebecca Garcia, Las Vegas, NV

Thank you for doing the right thing in an impossible situation.
Cynthia Hepworth, West Jordan, UT

Thank you for standing up for truth. Even if the rest of your flock cowardly chose not to follow, your courage to stand alone spoke volumes.
Melissa Olson, Meridian, ID

Melissa Clark, West Valley, UT

Thank you for choosing to do what, to many of us, seems like the obvious answer — obtain more knowledge to make a more informed decision. It seems like everyone else is choosing their favorite facts and elaborating on those… but facts are facts and the more we have, the better. I’m from Utah and would consider myself a moderate conservative — I agree with your policy and voting record on many things, but tend to lean liberal on things regarding the environment and many social issues. Regardless, it’s good to see you stand up for what you believe, and that integrity will be remembered whenever anyone around me speaks about Utah politicians and when I and my husband vote. I know you’ll take some heat for the way you voted, but know you have other people on your side now. Thank you!
Aubrey Jensen, West Jordan, UT

Dina Chatwin, Highlands Ranch, CO

Olivia Lovejoy, Idaho Falls, ID

Kelly Jensem, Springville, UT

Colleen Harker, Provo, UT

Megan Woods, Garden City, UT

Hayley Ackerman-Barton, Salt Lake City, UT

Victoria Van den Eikhof, Atascadero, CA

Ann Foulger, Portland, OR

Melani Waddoups, Albany, OR

Sara Grant, Saratoga Springs, UT

Thank you Senator Romney. You represent Utah well.
Laura Trumbo, Pleasant Grove, UT

Kara Edwards, Pleasant Grove, UT

Lani Blood, Orem, UT

Thank you for following your conscience and not just the consensus to keep your position!
Laura Doty, Lubbock, TX

Thank you for standing for truth, keep going, we need you to.
Amelia Davies, West Jordan, UT

Jolee Beckstrand, Morrisville, NC

Nicole Hendriksen, South Jordan, UT

Andrea Milner, Boise, ID

Kari Johnson, Sandy, UT

Brittany Rosales, Rexburg, ID

Carolyn Greenwood, Genola, UT

Emmalee Lawrence, Spanish Fork, UT

Jaime Rosales-Lopez, Rexburg, ID

Thank you so much for bypassing blind party loyalty and deciding on upholding the constitution! It’s pathetic that partisan politics has reached the point where logic and truth are swept to the side. We LDS members are watching our LDS politicians with hope that they will do the right thing. You clearly did, and we say thank you!
Lisa Barber, Krum, TX

Diane Jenkins, So Jordan, UT

Thank you for standing for truth, showing integrity, and courageously putting country before party. More of us are grateful than you probably know.
Lisa Nielsen, Bountiful, UT

You will long be remembered by me as being on the right side of history in this impeachment trial. Thank you for listening and doing what is right.
Hannah Pickett, Provo, UT

Emily Peterson, Mayfield, UT

Thank you for your courage in standing up for what is right. This is a complex time and a complex situation but RIGHT IS RIGHT.
Stephanie Kramer, Salt Lake City, UT

Jacquelyn Allen, Ogden, UT

Donna Mortensen, Heber City, UT

Brittney Thompson, Newfields, NH

Alice Barnes, Salt Lake City, UT

Leslie Zabriskie, Centerville, UT

Thank you for doing what might have been hard to do in the moment. Change isnt easy, but it is worth it. As a single, professional women in my late 30s, I know that we need to stop riding the coat tails of those that came before, and we need to make conscious and authentic movement towards a country that truly respects its citizens, and the citizens of the world. I’m grateful for you in your effort to do what you can to help with that change. Thank you for your vote, and for showing the country that you can see beyond party lines, and have the desire to hold others to a higher standard.
Lisa Midgley, Salt Lake City, UT

LuAnn Binschus, Tacoma, WA

Kimberly Wagner, Fruit Heights, UT

Jennie Case, Kingsport, TN

Noal Zabriskie, Centerville, UT

Gayla Wilson, Boise, ID

Laura Clement, Mesa, AZ

I’m certain you have felt the weight of your decision to stand for what is right. I, along with many others are so grateful to you for making the hard decision to vote for witnesses in the impeachment trial. Thank you for standing for truth. I have been praying for you that you will know you are not alone, and that you will receive comfort in knowing you’ve done the right thing! You have demonstrated true leadership — something that we are desperately in need of. Thank you.
Emily Taylor, Sandy, UT

Robyne Peabody, Payson, UT

Robin Bynum, Grand Junction, CO

DeEtta Bird, West Jordan, UT

Camille Baker, Holladay, UT

Thank you Senator Romney. Please continue to make the right choice.
Cynthia Jacobs, Wendell, ID

I am so proud to call you my senator. I split my time between Moab and Orem and I try nothing but to share my thoughts on standing up for truth and righteousness. While we are all imperfect, and I am sure we have both done things we should have chosen otherwise, every good deed is good. And the Lord is on our side when we choose to do good. Thank you.
Tara Bishop, Moab and Orem, UT

Jennifer Melendez, Denver, CO

Erin Skidmore, Idaho falls, ID

Brenda Hall, Provo, UT

Valerie Illguth, Twin Falls, ID

Suzanne Feinstein, Mercer Island, WA

Corinne Apezteguia, Farmington, UT

Thank you so much, Senator Romney, for putting the Constitution first and upholding ethical standards that we value so much. I wish others would follow your lead, and I’m grateful that you chose to stand strong.
Cathy Callow-Heusser, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for following what is right. Some say you are standing alone but you are not. You have the Constitution behind you and voters from all side of the spectrum.
Susan Pelton, Oakley, ID

Thank you for standing for a fair trial.
Leslie Yake, Coeurd’alene, ID

Thank you Senator Romney! Your example is one I can be proud to display to my family.
Laura Miller, Waukee, IA

Troy Sanders, Centerville, UT

Barbara Scoville, South Jordan, UT

Sue Anderson, Spokane, WA

Lyn Whearley, Springville, UT

Thank you for your individual stand to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Karla Bird, Pinedale, WY

Aarica Hamilton, Draper, UT

Monica Clay, Kaysville, UT

Rebecca Clayton, Federal Way, WA

Dianna Cline, Prescott, AZ

Thank you for doing the right thing.
Alisa Van Langeveld, North Salt Lake, UT

I couldn’t be more proud that you represent me and all other citizens of Utah. I knew when I voted for you that I could count on your honor, integrity and intelligence. Thank you, Senator.
Marjorie Rice, North Ogden, UT

Sarah Clark, Hedgesville, WV

I’ve always appreciated your integrity and willingness to listen to others.
Rebecca Charlto, Logan, UT

Cari Banning, Pasadena, CA

Lynn Christiansen, Red Bluff, CA

Danielle Corbett, Tucson, AZ

Jennifer Thomas, Belmont, MA

Susan Hartley, Troy, OH

Thank you for choosing to seek truth, regardless of how others chose to proceed.
Emily Palmer, Tucson, AZ

Beth Isernhagen, Spring, TX

Jamie Nopper, North Salt Lake, UT

Way to show integrity! Keeping your actions consistent with your knowledge of right and wrong.
Kim Mender, Lebanon, NH

Please consider entering the presidential race. You have my vote.
Carol Ennis, Enumclaw, WA

Brittany Adams, Spokane Valley, WA

Cynthia Wren, Provo, UT

Thank you for showing such great integrity!
Rebecca Sanders, Centerville, UT

Kathryn Septon, Columbia City, IN

Thank you for your courage and leadership on this issue. It sets you apart as a leader and I am grateful.
Wendy Dennehy, Riverton, UT

Kristin Hubler, Jenks, OK

Theron Gardner, Plover, WI

Charlene Cole, Providence, UT

Veronika Tait, Saratoga Springs, UT

Lucinda Newell, Sparks, NV

Alicia Every, Seattle, WA

Victoria Macpherson, Albany, OR

Chad Emmett, Springville, UT

Often standing for what’s right means you stand alone. Thank you for your courage.
Julia Adams, Springfield, VA

Whitney Levano, Holladay, UT

Thank you for taking a stand. I was hoping other Republicans would do the same. Such a sad day for our country and democracy.
Linda Othote, South Dartmouth, MA

Emily Norton, Mesa, AZ

Rachel Andrist, Lehi, UT

BriAnne Zabriskie, Payson, UT

Rebecca de Schweintiz, Provo, UT

Patty Roylance, Spokane, WA

Senator Romney, I believe your vote to allow witnesses in the impeachment trial was a huge step in combatting moral bankruptcy through extreme partisanship. As one of your constituents, I thank you heartily.
Margaret Kitterman, Salt Lake City, UT

Katie Walther, Pleasant Grove, UT

Thank you for your courage and integrity. Please keep being a voice of reason.
Krisy Gashler, Delhi, NY

Susan Robinson, Heber, UT

Kristen Hodges, Salt Lake City, UT

Stacie Powers, Provo, UT

Laurel Sharmer, Monmouth, OR

Lisa Oliviere, North Easton, MA

Laurel Armstrong, New Hope, MN

Thank you for your courage and integrity!
Nicole Swan, Orem, UT

Thank you for your integrity in the face of enormous political pressure.
Stevie Howard, Alpine, UT

Heather Rupp, Holladay, UT

Michael Guy, Cold Spring, KY

Thank you for the gravitas and courage that you brought to the Senate. I am sure that your stand will go down in history as a lone voice of reason in an embarrassing impeachment trial. I am so glad that you stood against the partisan nonsense of people who only want to protect their political future even when they know the truth.
Karin Carling, Sandy, UT

Pamela Nebeker, Millcreek, UT

MaryJan Munger, Huntsville, UT

Oh Say What is True ‘Tis the Brightest Gem That the Richest of Worlds Could Aspire. I thought of you yesterday and was so grateful for your courage to stand up for what you and some of us know to be true. We desperately need this in today’s world.  Thank you  I am proud to tell my friends about your integrity.
Kathy Knowlton, Salt Lake City, UT

McKinlee Covey, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for doing the hard right thing!
Holly Urbancic, Ammon, ID

Shelly Stock Halling, Hyde Park, UT

Thank you for your courage and integrity.
Kathryn Clark, Roy, UT

Jan Braithwaite, Alpine, UT

Jeanine Bean, Turlock, CA

Laura Mercer, Madera, CA

Ellen Thain, Stoughton, WI

Jill Campbell, Fallbrook, CA

God bless you, Senator Romney.
Laurie Burk, Irvine, CA

Thank you for standing for what’s right! I know you’re not very popular right now, but our president is despicable and I appreciate what you’re doing.
Rachel Winters, Provo, UT

I appreciate your integrity and courage in following the dictates of your conscience. God bless you, friend. We pray for you and for our country.
Laurie Low, Belmont, MA

Angela Moore, Henderson, NV

Shanna Ormond, Pleasant Grove, UT

Truly. Thank you for standing up for truth. I’m an unaffiliated voter and really try hard to make sure that the person I’m voting for chooses the harder right and you can bet that while I don’t always vote Republican, I’m on team Romney.
KaRyn Daley Lay, Salt Lake City, UT

Your commitment to truth gives me hope for American politics.
Taylor Stroupe, Orem, UT

Monica Harrison, Centerville, UT

Mark Lemley, Los Altos, CA

Monica Livingston, Clinton, UT

Mckell Bennett, Livermore, CA

Mary Tanner, Vienna, VA

I am proud to have you as my senator. Thank you for voting for a full and fair trial.
Kim Jacobson, Logan, UT

Cathy Hull, Johnstown, CO

Joan Haven, Millcreek, UT

Kambree Miller, Kaysville, UT

THANK YOU! Thank you so much for giving me hope that some are still willing to stand up for what is right, even when they stand alone. You obviously knew that you would face derision, vitriol and anger by taking the stance you did. YET, integrity called for you to vote the way you did and I am grateful for that. Thank you for having such integrity in this time of a very divided nation.
Lydia Beck, Blackfoot, ID

I had lost faith in many of my LDS brothers and sisters, your vote has given me hope that these individuals have been disillusioned and will now see the light. GOD BLESS YOU.
Raevon Day, Portland, OR

Thank you so much for standing for truth and righteousness.
Misty DeRosier, League City, TX

Karen Richards, Taylorsville, UT

Thank you for standing up for democracy and trying to preserve our nation’s system of checks and balances.
Jana Riess, Cincinnati, OH

Lauren Arrington, Denver, CO

Linda DeVilliers, Riverton, UT

What I wished and prayed for were senators who were willing to look at the facts, call and listen to witnesses, read and assess evidence, and make a nonpartisan decision. I was sadly disappointed in that only two Republicans were willing to put their honor and integrity on the line and stand up for truth in this matter. After all, if the president had nothing to worry about from witnesses and evidence, then he should have rightfully been exonerated. However, the GOP has rallied the wagons around this shameful elected official and made me embarrassed to be a life-long Republican. I am proud of your actions in standing against the tide and threats, and choosing the right. I would have hoped for no less.
Susan B Rayburn, Bruceton Mills, WV

Jonette Cahoon Vaughan, Ashburn, VA

Thank you, Senator, it is not always easy to do what is right.
William Nash, Long Beach, CA

Susan Shreeve, Ogden, UT

Thank you for your integrity, Senator Romney. Your voice means the world to me, even though I can’t be a constituent.
Angelica Lloyd, Sacramento, CA

Kelly Horrocks, Ithaca, NY

Ivan Schoen, Poplar Grove, IL

Charles Haws, Salt Lake City, UT

Deborah Christensen, Seattle, WA

Liz Osborn, Longmont, CO

Sabrena Suite-Mangum, Salt Lake City, UT

Julie McCandless, Woods Cross, UT

Emily Bourne, Springville, UT

Thomasania Leydsman, West Jordan, UT

Debra Hong, Pleasant Grove, UT

Thank you for having ethics.
Debra Hemmert, Pocatello, ID

Camille Busath, Provo, UT

Hanna Hutcheson, Salt Lake City, UT

Emily Jepsen, Gilbert, AZ

God will protect you, so do what is right!
Petra Haderlie, Seattle, WA

Though I live in NH now, I am a past chair of the SL County Republican Party. I have a great deal of respect for your willingness to stand up and be counted. Do not let the bullying of so many within the party make you retreat. If it gets too bad, become an independent, as I have done. We really need a non-Democrat voice standing up to President Trump. Our country’s future depends on it. Thank you for being that voice. More people support you than you might realize.
Tiani Coleman, Amherst, NH

Jillian Tueller, Providence, UT

Sue Womack, Springville, UT

Susan Neis, Thorndale, PA

Thank you for being courageous and voting for witnesses.
Erin Traverso, Wallingford, PA

Holly Jacobs, Orem, UT

Thank you for doing this. At times like this, I see you are your father’s son.
Jody Hansen, Salt Lake City, UT

Lynette Wendel, Taylorsville, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney!
Melissa Inouye, Draper, UT

Kalena Makanui, Omaha, NE

Kristyn Lantz, Salt Lake City, UT

Veronica Austin, Gilmer, TX

Natalie Tolley, Colorado Springs, CO

Angela Grange, Holladay, UT

Melodie Charles, Frederick, MD

Thank you for maintaining your integrity.
Andrea Dalton, Tucson, AZ

Tia Barth, Los Gatos, CA

Appreciate that you honored the oath you took!
Mona Thomas, Murray, UT

Anita Coulr, Farmington, UT

Thank you for standing for truth in a time of contention and upheaval. It took a lot of courage to take this action and I understand the consequence in the short term could be unfair and frustrating but you have chosen the path of integrity and your legacy will show a man of courage and commitment to doing what is right. Thank you again for choosing the right.
Kellie Steiner, Eugene, OR

I can only imagine this is a lonely time for you. Thank you for your moral courage. Thank you for shouldering unpopularity to stand up for what is right. I’m proud to call you a fellow saint, and I’ll be keeping you in my prayers in the coming days.
Kimberly Berkey, Chicago, IL

Please know that if the Republican organizations try to keep you out of conferences because you stood up for light and right, you have others that support you and are behind you. Please keep on choosing the RIGHT!
MaryLyne Witney, Springville, UT

Lara Torgesen, Cary, NC

Jill Aoki, Salt Lake City, UT

Kay Baldwin, Fort Collins, CO

Jenny Ross, Bellevue, WA

Grant Emery, Aurora, CO

Thank you for standing up for the truth. I wish you well. I also appreciate your not making excuses for a man who made extremely poor, if not criminal, decisions.
Vilo Westwood, Kettering, OH

Thank you for having the courage, conviction, and principles to stand up for what is right and to stand up for our great nation.
Kathy Shafer, Logan, UT

I wept when the vote didn’t pass. Thank you for your integrity. It gives me hope.
Emily Righter, Tomball, TX

Amy David, Quincy, MA

Ginger Fitzgerald, Midvale, UT

Linda Newton, Rexburg, ID

Callie Hamblin, Kaysville, UT

Eric Jensen, Mesa, AZ

Thank you for having the moral backbone to vote as you did.
Patricia Sadoski, Logan, UT

Heather Voss, Herriman, UT

Amy Brown, Olivette, MO

Jennifer Ard, Lehi, UT

Talina McConahay, Salem, UT

Kara North, Lehi, UT

Lisa Anderson, Cortlandt Manor, NY

Karen Buhler, Oak Park, IL

Gigi Ballif Arrington, Holladay, UT

Erica Perich, Sumter, SC

Carolyn Beane, Portsmouth, NH

Clark Draney, Twin Falls, ID

Gail Berry, Leander, TX

Terra Cooper, Syracuse, UT

Mimi Nelson, Scottsdale, AZ

Dania Ellingson, Provo, UT

I am proud that you are my senator. Thank you.
Angela Hallstrom, Salt Lake City, UT

Louann Bean, Poulsbo, WA

Kristin Randall, North Salt Lake, UT

Kit Bartlett-Romney-Catten, Taylorsville, UT

Doug Vincent, Dickson, TN

Joani Richardson, Sandy, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for choosing country over party. I wish my senator, Rob Portman, had your sense of integrity.
Judith Scott, Lebanon, OH

Anika Criddle, Williamsburg, VA

Thank you for doing what is right even though it was hard to do!
Ashleigh Barton, Springfield, MO

Zachary Moss, Clinton, UT

Mary Pjevac, Cedar City, UT

There are so many of us “former Republicans” who are grateful for what you are trying to do. I will vote for you again and again — even if I never vote for another Republican again.
Laurel Day, Salt Lake City, UT

Kara Nelsen, Denton, TX

Janel Hulbert, Roy, UT

Kathy Wilhelmsen, Draper, UT

Kirstin Smith, Sandy, UT

Lalani Lyman, Pleasant Grove, UT

Audrey Andersen, Orem, UT

Arielle Miller, Madison, AL

I’m so disappointed in the dogmatic, partisan response by many of my fellow Utahans. Thank you so much for standing for fairness and truth despite the naysayers and critics.
Jennifer Avondet, Highland, UT

Jennifer Evans, Ogden, UT

Dear Senator, thank you for voting for additional witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Trump. While I am not a constituent, your actions are having a direct effect on all American citizens, especially throughout this trial. We deserve a fair and full trial and I deeply appreciate your efforts to make that happen. Thank you.
Christina Black, Mesa, AZ

Thank you for choosing the right!
Robbin Taylor, Milwaukie, OR

Abby White, Millcreek, UT

Thank you for voting based on morals instead of parties.
Jennifer McDonald, Spanish Fork, UT

Thank you for not going with the flow. I feel badly about all the meaness going around on both sides and for any you have been receiving. People should be better than that. Hang in there!
Constance Manwill, Pleasant Grove, UT

Laurel Larsen-Stokes, Sedona, AZ

Mary Depew, Bend, OR

Thank you so very much. I know you are receiving hate and I’m sorry. Good always does. Thank you for acting as Esther. This too shall pass.
Natalie Greaves, Meridian, ID

Christine Miller, Springville, UT

Stephanie Hirtle, Medford, OR

Susan Glesne, Mount Vernon, WA

You’re not my senator, but the stance you took in that Senate vote was both the only reasonable action you could have taken, and incredibly brave, as puzzling as that is. I thank you.
Linda Crawford, Castle Rock, CO

Thank you for making right matter.
Britteny Eggertsen, Filer, ID

Bridgette Despain, South Jordan, UT

Heather Sundahl, Provo, UT

Kari McMurray, Castro Valley, CA

Jennifer Meredith, Kaysville, UT

Lori McGinn, Orem, UT

Kathy Scoffield, Peoria, AZ

Taylor Petrey, Kalamazoo, MI

Beverly Johnson, Fort Worth, TX

Nicole Brimhall, Boise, ID

Lisa Estrada, Pleasant Grove, UT

Your father would be proud of your stand.
Diane Guss, Lisbon, NY

Megan Carson, Ukiah, CA

I voted for you in the presidential election because of your integrity. Thank you for demonstrating it yet again, despite the political capital it may cost you.
Cheryl Pedersen, Mercersburg, PA

Robin VanderRoest, Kalamazoo, MI

Pamela Slack, Topeka, KS

As your constituent, I was proud that you stood for what was right even if it went going against your party’s wishes. I hope that you will continue to do the right thing. Thanks.
Shirley Izaguirre, Kearns, UT

So, so happy to have a senator who represents my views and feelings. I applaud your integrity and willingness to take a stand for the good and honorable. I truly hope more senators can follow your example.
Jennifer Brown, South Jordan, UT

Kelly Mortensen, Paradise, UT

Grace Lisch, Eagle Mountain, UT

Meghan Deckef, Portage, MI

Thank you for your integrity and wisdom.
Rebecca Rogers, Draper, UT

Thank you for your bravery. I know the right way is not always the easiest. Thank you so much!!!
Shasta Brown, Sandy, UT

Alisyn Rogerson, Durham, NC

Spencer Thornock, Phoenix, AZ

Whitney Boyer, Tucson, AZ

Thank you for standing up for the search for truth.
Jenny Moody, Hobbs, NM

Terra Horst, Minneapolis, MN

Claire Hessing, Athol, ID

Thank you for taking a stance that helps all of us.
Laura Card, Henderson, NV

Lauren Simpson, Salt Lake City, UT

You represent those of us seeking truth across the country. Thank you for choosing the harder right than the easier wrong.
Bridget Lawrence, Herriman, UT

Joan Divor, Voorhees, NJ

Megan Isaacson, Salt Lake City, UT

Stephanie Bassett, Springville, UT

Laura Redford, Orem, UT

Loretta Gale, Salt Lake City, UT

Aimee Dunn, West Jordan, UT

Katie Ivory, Salt Lake City, UT

Rebecca Buss, Laramie, WY

Thanks for your courage!
Roberta Robinson, St. George, UT

Annette Evans Fazzino, Holladay, UT

Thank you so much for standing for truth and defending the Constitution and the rule of law.
Sarah Wheeler, North Granby, CT

You have courage and I appreciate it so much. We must begin again to do what is right and repeat it again and again if we are to save the soul of this country and save our precious and endangered democracy. Thank you for doing the right thing. Please do it again.
Suzanne Caskey, Aspen, CO

Natalie Taylor, Eagle Mountain, UT

Blair Van Dyke, Cedar Hills, UT

Robin See, Indian Land, SC

Chelsea Wang, Carmel, IN

Ken Qian, Carmel, IN

Darlene Young, South Jordan, UT

Your courage of forthrightness is commendable
Kristine Hoffman, Orem, UT

Thank you. Your dad would be proud of you. I knew your family in Michigan.
Jamie Ottesen, Windsor, CA

Emily Bastian, Spanish Fork, UT

Claudia Dorsey, American Fork, UT

Becky Reaves, Tacoma, WA

Dallin Dressman, New York, NY

Kristie Hinton, West Jordan, UT

Barbara Johnson, Peoria, IL

Candace Keller, Madison, NJ

Thank you for the courage to stand by your principles.
Barbara McCauley Lovejoy, Salt Lake City, UT

Aliza Morrell, Orem, UT

Kaila Lifferth, Columbus, IN

Meg Thunell, Salt lake city, UT

Kristine Haglund, Belmont, MA

Shawn Tucker, Elon, NC

Rachrl Scholes, Tucson, AZ

Rosalyn Eves, Cedar City, UT

Alethea Teh Busken, Cincinnati, OH

A deep bow to your personal integrity. I’m grateful beyond words.
Julie Savage, Silver Spring, MD

Leslie Reinhold, Salt Lake City, UT

Amy Wilson, Highlands Ranch, CO

Adam Gale, Orem, UT

Susan Johnsn, Cedar Hills, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for choosing principle over power.
Carson Welker, Rochester, MN

Brooke Lambert, Logan, UT

Thank you for having the moral integrity to follow what I assumed would be normal proceedings in a trial — the admission of witnesses. It’s disappointing that such was not the case.
Gayla Erickson, south jordan, UT

Liz Dorathy, Vail, AZ

Kelly Austin, Cincinnati, OH

Waylon Prince, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for choosing the country over party. It will be remembered by many good people that you tried to do the right thing.
Lacie Jackson, South Jordan, UT

Johanna Chamberlain, Pleasant Grove, UT

Kaylee Adair, Provo, UT

Senator Romney, thank you for choosing to do what is right, regardless of partisan pressure. As a constituent, I am proud to call you my senator and know that you will stand for ethics and truth.
Michelle Checketts, Herriman, UT

Kirsten Campbell, Granger, IN

Monique Fullmer, Chandler, AZ

Karen Copeland, West Point, MS

Michelle Hubbard, Pleasant Grove, UT

Kate Monson, Orem, UT

Nancy Stanley, West Jordan, UT

Sherry Andersen, St George, UT

Thanks for standing up and being brave. Someone needs to bring back decency to government.
Brenda Bradford, Cincinnati, OH

Emily Marie Taylor, Provo, UT

Ashley Dickson, Arlington, MA

Beth Clayson, Winnemucca, NV

Sonny Bigler, Mission Viejo, CA

Thank you for your courage to do the right thing!!
Julie Hoffman, Simi Valley, CA

Scott Walker, Gunnison, UT

Catherine Crawford, Robbinsville, NJ

Kelli Price, Cedar City, UT

Nancy Cropper, Murray, UT

Julie Postma, South Jordan, UT

Alison Dunn, Farmington, UT

Katie Hunter, Irvine, CA

Tania Lyon, Pittsburgh, PA

Rebecca L. Black, Orem, UT

Amy Douglas, Stephenville, TX

Thank you for standing up for the constitution and our country. Keep it up, please.
Rebecca Darling, Tooele, UT

Shelly Johnson-Choong, Port Orchard, WA

David Black, Orem, UT

Melissa Macleod, South Jordan, UT

Kaycee Hulet, Payson, UT

Erin Mecklenburg, Elk Ridge, UT

Elisabet C Knecht, Orem, UT

Deborah Wager, Albuquerque, NM

Carolyn Crawford, Holladay, UT

Heidi Romney, Salt Lake City, UT

Diana Alley, Leander, TX

Shambray Galamb, Vineyard, UT

Kimberly Thomas, Herriman, UT

Anna Rawlins, Chicago, IL

Thank you. Seriously.
Heidi Bragg, North Port, FL

Thank you for standing strong and doing what was right. I appreciate you forgoing popularity in favor of integrity.
Summer Spence, West Jordan, UT

Laurel Lee Pedersen, Dallas, OR

Alan Gift, Harrisville, UT

Brooke Oniki, South Jordan, UT

Rosa Corbett, Orem, UT

Beth Wallace, Memphis, TN

Caroline Phinney, Salt Lake City, UT

Madeleine Homer, Midvale, UT

Thank you for your courage and your commitment to truth.
Paulette Henriod, Las Vegas, NV

Thank you for putting country over party.
Lisa Campbell, Newport News, VA

Scott Bronson, Provo, UT

Thank you so very much, Senator Romney. I weep that there was not more courage to defend the integrity of our government.
Lisa Halverson, Springville, UT

Jessica Allee, Fayetteville, AR

Marie Gray, Meridian, ID

Laura van der Horst, Springville, UT

Diane Carter, Castle Dale, UT

Dianne Kerns, Tucson, AZ

Jessica George, South Jordan, UT

Crystal Willis, Silver Spring, MD

Thank you for your honesty and integrity in carrying through with the due process of your Senatorial responsibilities.
Mandy Lyons, Cedar Hills, UT

Elise Grant, Tucson, AZ

Thank you for showing integrity. I’m a democrat and I am saying this From the bottom of my heart.
Ashley Parker, Fayetteville, GA

Jennette Fennimore, Wilmington, DE

Trudy Zufelt, Salt Lake City, UT

Matt Riddle, South Jordan, UT

Thank you for standing up for truth!
Judi Kimball-Stillion, Alpena, MI

Barbara Camp, Alpine, UT

Thank you for having the courage and integrity to follow due process!
Stephanie Willmore, Provo, UT

Angela GrayCouture, Nauvoo, IL

Jenna Wood, Orem, UT

Janiece Johnson, Provo, UT

Thank you for doing the right thing.
Margo Gaisford, Orem, UT

Annie Morgan, Salt Lake City, UT

Kathleen DiMartino, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for standing up and doing the RIGHT THING, Senator Romney. I wish everyone in Washington had your moral courage.
Debbie Christensen, Highland, UT

Thank you so much for having integrity!!
Haylie Tracy, North Ogden, UT

Tracy Keck, Cottonwood Heights, UT

Eric James Stone, Orem, UT

Keith Carlson, Highland, UT

Wendy Dale, Midvale, UT

Laura Gilbert, Twin Falls, ID

Sabrina de Jong, Orem, UT

Sharolyn Stauffer, Afton, WY

Elizabeth Thomas, Provo, UT

Linda Plouzek, West Jordan, UT

Thank you so much for standing for the truth and against the status quo. I wish we had more like you in both parties.
Cindy Sholly, Ogden, UT

Cristi Bastian, Lindon, UT

Kara Hill, Yorktown, IN

Dalene Rowley, Provo, UT

Julia Langford, Glendale, AZ

Mary Brandstetter, Cincinnati, OH

Sarah Weston, Santa Clara, UT

Collette Larsen, Zephyr Cove, NV

Thank you so much, Senator Romney. You have always shown integrity and upheld your office to the highest degree of honor and commitment. I’m grateful that you continue to do so. You are a great example to this country. Thank you for doing what is right, no matter the consequence.
Cheri Kay Doty, Portland, OR

Amy Baxter, Orem, UT

Lewis Strasburg, Spanish Fork, UT

Thank you for having the moral courage and fortitude to vote your conscience. You have set a shining example that I pray other Congress people will follow.
Marie Burt, Orem, UT

Thank you for your integrity and committing to uphold your oath as a senator.
Rebecca Holmstead, Orem, UT

Emily Hangen, Charlestown, MA

Lewis Hassell, Oklahoma City, OK

Cynthia Atwood, Arlington, VA

Thank you for choosing the right — not the “right.” I wish the other Latter-day Saints in the Senate and my own Republican Senator had shown the same integrity and courage.
Nancy Harward, Cincinnati, OH

Coral Werner, Provo, UT

Thanks for doing the right thing and having the courage to stand up to this retributive bully!
Lorelei Draper, Springville, UT

Carey Nuttall, Mundelein, IL

Roxanne Steele, Bountiful, UT

I am so grateful for your integrity! You are one of my heroes and our country needs you (whether they think so or not)!
Anna Perkins, Thornton, CO

Krista Burton, Sandy, UT

Michelle Waddoups, Salt Lake City, UT

Danille Christensen, Blacksburg, VA

Erin Hayes, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for doing what was right even though it was hard.
Erin Nuttall, Mundelein, IL

Jenny Webb, Woodinville, WA

Heidi Rodeback, American Fork, UT

We thank you for your ethics and for at least trying. We are all pretty scared right now.
Emily Pugh, Charlotte, NC

Nick David, Quincy, MA

Ben Grange, Seattle, WA

Thank you so very very much. I’m betting your action will go down in the history books. At least your name is going into my heart as someone to be trusted (a former constituent who voted for you)!
Clydie Wakefield, McKinney, TX

I am so grateful that you stood up for what was right, even when most of the rest of your party did not. Thank you for your integrity!
Jessica Friedman, Pocatello, ID

Wendy Simmerman, Orem, UT

Joanne Slotnik, Torrey, UT

Tiffany Collard, Rexburg, ID

Marlowe Wolferstan, Woods Cross, UT

Cathy Green, Mattoon, IL

Karin Ballstadt, Birmingham, AL

Carrue Grover, Tracy, CA

Nancy Bachlotte, Apex, NC

Robyn Rowley, Silver Spring, MD

Mitt, thank you for your integrity! You were my write-in candidate for the last presidential election, ha, ha.
Christine Mangum, Escondido, CA

I reached out to you multiple times during the first week of the impeachment trial. I did not receive a single canned answer from your office telling me you knew better what is best for our country. That’s what I typically get from other representatives from UT. Thank you for being different. I felt respected and represented as a  constituent. Your courageous vote won’t be forgotten.
Airy Zamora-Morris, Mapleton, UT

Thank you for standing up when everyone else said sit down.
Crystal Anderson, Midvale, UT

Jacque Fairbourn Crook, Springville, UT

Debra Hogue, Las Vegas, NV

Kelly Vincent, St. George, UT

Merle White, Orem, UT

Mark Brown, Midland, MI

Thank you for having the moral fortitude that so few seem to have. Please tell your GOP colleagues that they have lost my Republican vote from here on out. I voted for you and would do it again. If voting for a fair trial loses you Republican votes, please run as an independent and you will still win in.
Season Burch, Visalia, CA

I voted for you back in the day. Keep walking through the doors the Lord opens. God bless you!
Teresa Holladay, Denver, CO

Taylor Halverson, Springville, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for your courage and integrity!
Erica Glenn, Mesa, AZ

Carolyn Colton, Bethesda, MD

Thank you. Thank you for being strong in doing what you did.
Daniel Meza, Salt Lake City, UT

Jeannie Bate, Springville, UT

Kay Green, Provo, UT

Sarah Wright, Rio Rico, AZ

Devin Glenn, Pleasant Grove, UT

Karen Auman, American Fork, UT

You are a true hero! Thank you for standing up for what’s right even if it meant sacrificing everything!
Heather Jackson, Cumming, GA

Maren Johnston, Provo, UT

Anny Case, Spokane, WA

Jenny Proctor, Summerville, SC

Thank you for standing up for what was right.
Cortney Billings, Westminster, CO

Robison Wells, North Salt Lake, UT

Louise Rains, Billerica, MA

Thank you.
Catherine Petter, Stow, MA

Sharon Greenwood, American Fork, UT

Melissa Smith, Denton, TX

Thanks so much! Also where do you get BYU creamery in Washington DC?
Rebecca Clement, Lindon, UT

Tracy Nuttall, Alpine, UT

Thank you for your courage and integrity.
Kirstina Collins, Columbia, SC

Lynn Rollins, Highland Heights, OH

As a grandniece of Senator Wallace F. Bennett, and as first cousin once removed to Senator Bob Bennett it has broken my heart to see the political party of my birth dwindle and stray from the values I hold so dear. Sir, you have given me hope that leaders can still have the courage of their convictions and vote for my convictions as well. Thank you for being that shining light on the hill. However far away that hill seems at the moment your light shines still. Best regards and full respect.
Adrienne deJager, Provo, UT

Stephanie Dickey, Sandy, UT

Nichole Whiting, New York City, NY

Jennifer Magleby-Lambert, Pittsburgh, PA

Rene Cobos, Mesa, AZ

Camille Messick, Provo, UT

Rene Cobos, Mesa, AZ

Thank you for putting yourself in harm’s way to protect the constitution and the rule of law.
Eva Burton, Clovis, CA

Thank you for standing strong and voting to hear witness testimony.
Cori Dodds, Wichita, KS

Cameron Stringham, South Jordan, UT

Neal Reese, Morgan, UT

Thank you for standing up for what is right even though it was not popular with your party. I am becoming more and more dissatisfied with my party but you are giving me hope that there is still a voice of reason. Thank you!
Tricia Sloan, Riverton, UT

Emily Belanger, Rockville, MD

Thank you for always choosing to act fearlessly and courageously.
Melanie Butler, Renton, WA

Jacob Plaizier, Bountiful, UT

Please vote to remove President Trump. At a minimum, please vote to censure him. Impeachment is not enough of a deterrent to his authoritarian and self-serving actions.
Margaret Richardson, Minneapolis, MN

Stanton Smith, Cottonwood Heights, UT

You are a hero.
Christine Balderas, Millcreek, UT

As a fellow Christian, I have been overwhelmed by the lack of integrity shown by so many senators who profess to, and swore to uphold the Constitution. However, they voted to acquit the president and hand enormous power to this person who is clearly unwilling to abide by any laws other than how own or those whose purpose suits him. Many of us were hoping that more senators would vote for right over party, but obviously, that is not what happened. Please know how deeply impressed I am by your courage to stand up for your convictions and do your duty by the constitution. That act gave many of us a small measure of hope for the future.
Carol Watson, Bloomington, IN

Senator, I am a retired foreign service officer who worked for 25 years to build bridges to China. I left the LDS church and became an Episcopal priest and am now serving in Ashland, OR. THANK YOU for your moral courage, and clear effort to bring Christian belief and values into your policy decisions! I am a left-leaning Democrat. But know that I stand ready to support you and other Republicans who want to bring the country, so bitterly divided, together. Grace and peace, brother Mitt. 
Father Tony Hutchinson, Ashland, OR

Virginia Brown, Sugar City, ID

Thank you, Senator Romney, for upholding values of truth and integrity.  You give me hope in our republic.
Kristi Stockton, Orem, UT

Margaret Tanttila, Lovelock, NV

Therese Balach, Minneapolis, MN

Amy Coverston, Herriman, UT

Cheri Measom, Hurst, TX

Allison Barger, Cottonwood Heights, UT

Standing alone for right! God bless you and yours.
Janet Fotu, Pleasant Grove, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for doing the right thing in voting for witnesses. I appreciate that you are in a difficult position.
Maegan Langer, Alpine, UT

Michelle Reed, Hobe Sound, FL

Thank you for doing what is right. You stand up for what is right and are a true class act. I am proud to have voted for you in 2012 for the president of the United States, and I would gladly do so again. It is so nice to see someone put country over party, just like the great senator John McCain of my state of Arizona. I wish there were others like you. Please know that I and many others support your decision. I will pray for peace and comfort as I am sure this is a difficult time. Again, thank you!
Tiffany Goff, Globe, AZ

God Bless you for doing what was right!!!
Aleida Jimenez Bjelde, Denton, TX

Karen Weitz, Portland, OR

Jason Kerr, Provo, UT

Ember Forsberg, Silver Spring, MD

Tracy Purdy, Pottstown, PA

Angie Olsen, Wellsville, UT

D. Diane Karpowitz, Lawrence, KS

Robert Burton, Grain Valley, MO

Carol Emmett, Tempe, AZ

Emily January Petersen, Farmington, UT

Thank you for taking this process seriously even though the pressure from the party must have been intense!
Nicole Taylor, Murray, UT

Paola Snow, Layton, UT

Jennifer Moore, Kaysville, UT

Colby Townsend, Salt Lake City, UT

Jeffrey Hardy, Springville, UT

Ashley Anderson, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, your courage and integrity make me proud that you are my senator. Other Republicans that don’t have the courage of their convictions will soon find out that the majority of Americans wanted a fair trial, it’s shocking how many senators turned their backs on the will of the people. The people will turn their backs on them come election time. Thank you again.
Joanne Oyler, South Ogden, UT

Marsha Fairbank, Layton, UT

Marilee Jacobson Moe, New York, NY

Lisa Sun, Sandy, UT

Sally Gardner Reas, New Canaan, CT

Thank you for doing your part to keep the voice of the people heard in a time where it feels so hard to be heard.
Karen Sims, Orem, UT

Jana Knittlw, Lehi, UT

Elizabeth Myers Toman, Columbus, OH

Melissa Drumeller, Waynesboro, VA

Thank you for your courage!
Jane Johnson, Price, UT

Benjamin Young, South Jordan, UT

Victoria Castaneda, Lehi, UT

Thank you for making the harder right choice and voting your conscience.
Naomi Owuor, Cedar Park, TX

Kelsey Ellis, Columbus, OH

Ryan Steed, Farmington, UT

Janet Lee Schubert, Pocatello, ID

Jon Young, Boise, ID

Keep up the good work. You make me proud.
Joan Moon, Bluffton, IN

Elizabeth Johnston, Boscobel, WI

Mallorie Cracroft, Salt Lake City, UT

Marissa McMurray, Silver Spring, MD

Patrick Hammer, Saratoga Springs, UT

Thank you for your brave actions. I know you’ve taken a huge hit for daring to stand up for what is right. Reminds me of another Maverick from Arizona. You legacy will speak for itself. We need more men and women like you.
Stephanie Sampson, Hyde Park, UT

Liz Davis Maxfield, Cambridge, MA

Thank you so much for voting for what most Americans wanted. Your courage to do the right thing is greatly appreciated!
BJ Cluff, Provo, UT

Alex Haag, Beaverton, OR

Kari Hansen, Cincinnati, OH

What you did took courage. Thank you for standing for principle.
Joseph Stuart, Sandy, UT

Tamara Melton, Mount Pleasant, MI

Judith Neher, Arlington, VA

Thank you for your principled stand.
Victoria Reid, Millcreek, UT

Michael Lopez, Minneapolis, MN

William Robinson, Arlington, VA

Barbara Frank, Cedar City, UT

Lisa Monson-Potter, Sandy, UT

Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing. The cost of your vote to allow witnesses has not yet been fully tallied. Thank you for your courage and voting for your country and constituents first.
Nigel Swaby, Salt Lake City, UT

Denise Hoyle, Salt Lake City, UT

Linda Muller-Thompson, Phoenix, AZ

We need more courageous leaders like you. Thank God for you.
William Perkins, Thornton, CO

Lewis Hassell, Oklahoma City, OK

Thank you!
Jean Boyack, Salt Lake City, UT

Karen Kershaw, Twin Falls, ID

Thank you for putting the constitution first and upholding your oath of office.
Linda Weitz, Aloha, OR

Thanks, Mitt! You’re an outlier for the best possible reasons. I think in the coming months many others will wish they had taken the same stand you have so courageously taken.
Rand Johnson, Kalamazoo, MI

Nicolette Maruri, Los Angeles, CA

Erin Edgington, Bentonville, AR

Maren Stanley, Saratoga Springs, UT

Tracy Jensen, Salt Lake City, UT

Greg Whiteley, San Diego, CA

Thank you for your courage.
Amy Hunsaker, Reno, NV

Julie Howell, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you so much for doing what is right! The state of our government is very concerning to me, but leaders like you give me hope that democracy and what is right will prevail in the end.
Eliza Esquibel, Lacey, WA

Karen Chadwick, Olathe, KS

I would like to say I personally appreciate you being the only member of your party that has moral courage and chose to be on the right side of history by voting to allow new witnesses and documentation in the impeachment trial. I know that Senator Collins also voted as you did, but I can’t help but feel that her vote was one of convenience in her attempt to retain her Senate seat. I am a Utah resident and Democratic voter because I can no longer find any reason to vote for any Republican. Your party, not through your fault, is quite simply corrupt and rotten. I realize how blunt I am being but you should hear this from someone that could and would support Republican candidates in the past. I was in high school for Watergate and it was a live civics lesson on top of our required government and civics courses in those days. And this Ukraine situation is by far much more disturbing then what Richard Nixon did. And that directly reflects on the actions, or rather, lack of action taken by Republican members of Congress.
Kevin Paulson, Taylorsville, UT

Kalyn Denny, Bountiful, UT

Proud of you, Senator Romney, for standing for truth and letting others know it matters. Thanks for representing me!
Ashleigh Ingebrigtsen, Cedar Hills, UT

Gina Cornia, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for your willingness to fight for the truth! We appreciate it so very much.
Danielle Nielsen, Ogden, UT

Anne Denk, Sandy, UT

Kathleen Dobson, West Jordan, UT

Aaron Skabelund, Provo, UT

Sheri Hohmann, Salt Lake City, UT

Jesse Clark, Lehi, UT

Chris Webber, Murray, UT

Linda Cooper, Highland, UT

Proud to call you my senator, Mr Romney.
Dustin Garner, Salt Lake, UT

I have been Republican my whole life but cannot support Trump.
Bridgette Luman, Las Vegas, NV

Katy Willis, Brigham City, UT

David Taylor, Springville, UT

Carrie Sheinberg, Park city, UT

Karen Ady, Grand Junction, CO

Richard Johnson, Orem, UT

Thank you for voting for witnesses. It is the right thing to do.
Talina Watts, Herriman, UT

Libby Boss, Belmont, MA

Diantha Smith, Rexburg, ID

Thank you for your integrity!
Amy Zimmerman, Silver Spring, MD

Antonio Guimaraes, Salt Lake City, UT

Your integrity and courage are appreciated. Wish the rest of the Republican Senators possessed your character and respect for the rule of law. Blessings.
Dolly Garlo, Cudjoe Key, FL

Maryanne Nelson, Iowa City, IA

Tracy Hiscock, Kanab, UT

Eric Johnson, Columbus, OH

Voting for witnesses was an obvious right. Thank you for choosing the right.
Alta Alger, Austin, TX

Thank you for CHOOSING to do what’s right, it’s not about party it’s about being righteous, seeking truth and getting this information to all Americans, I cry for the lack of morality that America is now weaving!
Daphne Peterson, Fort Valley, GA

JoAnn Rasmussen, Enoch, UT

Rebecca Roesler, Rexburg, ID

Ronda Eiting, Bountiful, UT

Patricia Hatch, Bountiful, UT

Thank you so much for standing for truth and answers to questions we need to know about to make independent and informed decisions. Thank you for standing for all Americans not just one party! I voted for you for the highest office in the nation. I would do it again if the opportunity arose. I am so proud of your stance. Please keep it up. Our nation depends on those of you who vote country before party.
Dawnelle Linn, Portland, OR

Sarah Homer, Provo, UT

Thank you for respecting the constitution, upholding the values of our democracy and your promise to represent your constituents fairly and honestly. You are a white knight in a cloud of dark. I am so afraid for our nation and the precedence this administration is setting for the demise of America. It truly saddens and sickens me.
Stephen Eiting, Bountiful, UT

Katie Rich, Havertown, PA

Wendi Nelson, Spanish Fork, UT

Karis Mcfarlane, Livermore, CA

Rach Lacy, Dallas, TX

Robert Keeley, Cudjoe Key, FL

Rebeka McRae, Millcreek, UT

Susan Felt, San Bernardino, CA

Holly Bynum, Holladay, UT

Thank you for your honesty! We need more of this!
Penny Daniels, Draper, UT

Thank you for showing us all the person that you are.
Craig Schriber, Eden, UT

Emily Furse, North SLC, UT

Allison Fordham, Nampa, ID

Mark Ferrel, Austin, TX

Thank you for your courage in doing the right thing!
Denise Lloyd, Falls Church, VA

You don’t stand alone.
Katherine Mount, Westminster, CO

Gaither Bynum, Grand Junction, CO

Jennifer Hayes, Columbus, OH

Sue Ann Bodily, South Jordan, UT

Melarie Wheat, Draper, UT

Thank you for choosing the right.
Jill Larson, Loomis, CA

Megan Seawright, Burbank, CA

Thank you and keep up the good work this week!!
Jenny Wood, Scotts Valley, CA

Alice Rampton, Corvallis, OR

Stephanie Rosenfeld, SLC, UT

I am a Republican, but I believe that witnesses should have been heard and that impeachment was appropriate. Thank you for having the courage that too many of your Republican colleagues lacked.
Craig Wilson, Bethesda, MD

Emily Craig, Provo, UT

Kristina Ruedas, Salt Lake City, UT

Senator Romney, thank you for being a leader in protecting the cause of freedom. How do the people make a change? What can we do?
Theresa Heer, Grand Junction, CO

Thank you for doing the right thing! As a Utahn, I would also like to express my disappointment in KUTV2 for singling you out in their piece on the sharing of donor information. It was wrong of them to advertise it the way they did. Keep standing up for what is right, and know that many of us are cheering you on!
Christina Cannon, Lehi, UT

Ambers Christensen, Herriman, UT

For standing alone to do what you felt was right — I applaud you. I admire you. What a great example of following your own conscience!
Mona Ashby, Auberry, CA

Melissa McQuarrie, Provo, UT

Bonnie Higley, San Jose, CA

Thank you for your bravery to stand up for what is right and for the people’s voice! We appreciate your integrity and courage!
Nicole Fletcher, Layton, UT

Daniell Bauer, Twin Falls, ID

Steven Malyuk, Twin Falls, ID

Senator Romney, thank you for choosing the right. I know it is hard with the opposition we all face in these latter days.
Janet Hamilton, Springfield, OR

Sarah Gonzales, Fresno, CA

Carry on!
Chuck Allison, Springville, UT

Hunter Evans, Spanish Fork, UT

Christy Ogden, Lehi, UT

Thank you, Senator Romney, for showing integrity and independence.
Eric Bybee, Provo, UT

Jared Casper, Santa Cruz, CA

Leslie Allen, Panaca, NV

Thank you, Senator Romney, for making a thoughtful decision in supporting the need for witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial. Your actions speak volumes in support of the Costitution.
Debra Ballard, Draper, UT

Tonya Bekker, Gilbert, AZ

You are my kind of good man. Please know what you are doing takes great courage and we know this. Thank you for representing all of us.
Elinor Bailey, Vancouver, WA

Adam Harris, Idaho Falls, ID

Thanks for consistently advocating for doing the right throughout the trial, even if you faced external pressure for doing so.
Paul Lo, Monterey Park, CA

Kristy Smith, Lacey, WA

Thank you for standing for integrity, for the Constitution, and for the rule of law.
Emily Geddes, Nine Mile Falls, WA

Rodger Morgan is my cousin and he tells me you are a great person to know. Consider joining Biden (as V.P.). Might be a great way to get rid of Trump and restore order. Just a crazy thought. That’s how the framers wanted it. Pres and VP from two diff parties (1st and 2nd place).
Vance Mellen, Mundelein, IL

James Hundley, Salt Lake City, UT

Kari Doshier, Medford, OR

Overall, I favor progressive issues, but will get behind actions which support the rule of law, especially that the law applies to all. I would like to see additional charges brought against Mr. Trump for other illegal actions, particularly all of the violations against the emoluments clause.  They have become so blatantly public that it is a great embarrassment. He is destroying the respect America has earned in the eyes of the world and I would like to see that wrong made right. I hope you will choose country over party again, as you act as Senator from Utah. Thank you.
Linda Griffen, Salt Lake City, UT

Ashley Matney, Newark, OH

Stacie Rupp, Bountiful, UT

Marianna Martindale, College Park, MD

Nathaniel Ayer, Herndon, VA

I live in Indiana now, but born and raised in Utah. Thank you so much for your integrity and commitment to constitutional governance!
Margaret Tarkington, Batesville, IN

Pegeen Liston, SLC, UT

Paula Basnett, Reidsville, NC

Elissa Krebs, Ogden, UT

Thanks you for having the courage to stand for your convictions in the face of extreme political pressure. We need more people like you in government.
Kathryn Bosworth, St George, UT

Trey Sayes, Sandy, UT

Sharman Blood, Highland, UT

Miriam Higginbotham, Woodbridge, VA

Erin Bowers, Salt Lake City, UT

Alisha Siebers, Portage, MI

Shanti Hoffman, Heber, UT

Christine Hansen, Cedar Hills, UT

Thank you for being a beacon of hope and truth in this era of partisanship and dishonesty!
Jessica Chin, Manlius, NY

Cecily Davis, Bloomington, IL

Tamara Fotheringham, Triangle, VA

David Hansen, Syracuse, NY

Well done…
Don Eardley, Kaysville, UT

Christine Crapo Hatch, Idaho Falls, ID

Thanks for your courage and integrity. You are the kind of Republican my dad liked. I may be a Democrat, but I recognize honest Republicans and respect them. Thank you!
Jennifer Meldau, Silver Spring, MD

Kathy McIntyre, Salt Lake City, UT

Katrina Sias, Wenatchee, WA

Renata Moore, Columbus, OH

I’m sad you were not elected president; I supported you.
Sabra Gosselin, Cleveland Heights, OH

Thank you for voting to call witnesses for Trump’s impeachment trial. It was a brave and patriotic thing to do, particularly when there was so much peer pressure to back down. I’m proud that it was my senator from Utah who took a stance and did the right thing.
Amy Brunvand, Salt Lake City, UT

I’m so honored to have you representing our state — thank you for standing up for truth and conservative principles even when that means standing against the president.
Laura Hunter, Layton, UT

Keep defying the administration.
Marla Mott-Smith, South Jordan, UT

Liz Brimhall, Palo Alto, CA

Stephanie Moore, Lehi, UT

Tiffany Smith, SLC, UT

Jan Gerken, Eagan, MN

Thank you for acting with integrity.
Amy Sharpe, San Diego, CA

Ashley Christenson, Silverton, OR

Joshua Figueira, Springville, UT

Thank you for having the integrity to do what is right, even if it isn’t popular amongst your fellow Republicans. You stood alone in doing so and it was courageous. I’m grateful there are still politicians like you, even if I don’t always agree with you on all of the issues.
Sarah Richins, Woods Cross, UT

McKay Bonham, Lehi, UT

Abby Sharp, Provo, UT

Brenden Rensink, Orem, UT

Julia Natvig, Sioux Falls, SD

Kristin South, South Jordan, UT

Melissa Mason, Logan, UT

Linda Hyde, Katy, TX

Thank you for representing Utah with integrity.
Shannon McKechnie, Lehi, UT

Marcia Maurycy, Salt Lake City, UT

Thanks for doing the right thing even when others chose a different course of action.
Jeff Tingey, Orland Park, IL

Ginger Johnson, Lee, NH

Amye Godfrey, Glendale, AZ

Ashley Bowen, Midway, UT

Sue Cannon, Petaluma, CA

Thank you for standing for truth in all of the chaos!
Rebecca Clarke, Orem, UT

Eliza Judd, Lacey, WA

Jennie Bingham, Provo, UT

Lindsey Fellars, Provo, UT

Ray Hansen, Springville, UT

Stacey Kratz, Midvale, UT

I am currently a registered Republican but have been an Independent for most of my life. I determined a few years ago that I needed to try to provide a counterpoint within the party to the strident partisanship that is dividing our country. It is for this reason that I have been following your participation in the impeachment proceedings through the live streaming and news coverage. These proceedings are an important part of our constitutional balance of power and there has been an increasing trend towards executive overreach. The current situation is an example of placing party before the good of the country (both sides). As a moderate, I am looking for someone who represents my values and principles. Thank you for placing what’s right ahead of expediency and blind partisanship. You are a refreshing counterpoint to the crass partisanship typified by Senator Lee.
James Glenn, Pleasant Grove, UT

Thank you for standing for something, even when others wouldn’t.
Adam Meyers, Saint George, UT

Susan Coleman, Loveland, CO

Jenny McCulloch, Springville, UT

Lara Fields, Salt Lake City, UT

Andrea Rodriguez, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for having COURAGE and INTEGRITY!
Erin Young, Tooele, UT

Abigail Harper, Provo, UT

Thank you so much for your courage. Like many others, I emailed you about requesting witnesses and I am proud of your example in this. Please continue to hold the leader of our nation accountable for his actions.
McKell Costley, Kaysville, UT

I changed my voter registration to Democrat after Trump was elected. If you run for President and challenge Trump this year I know my whole family in Colorado would vote for you!!! Thank you, Mr. Romney!!!
Trisha Karstetter, Morrison, CO

Thank you for having integrity.
Erin Harden, Provo, UT

I grew up and had several classes at Winn Brook with Craig. I remember your family fondly, and I deeply appreciate the way you all continue to be beacons of goodness in a time that feels so very very dark. Thank you for doing the right thing.
Kathleen “Fitzie” Cowing, Belmont, MA

Allison Hansen, Centennial, CO

As a neighbor to the north, but a fellow religionist, I say THANK YOU with my whole heart. Thank you for doing the right thing and keeping just a little bit of hope alive for me in our gov’t.
Rebecca Bratsman, Boise, ID

SaraJo Martin, Riverton, UT

Marisa Stringham, Hooper, UT

Melissa Burton, Grain Valley, MO

Angela Dixon, Woods Cross, UT

Alyssa Rice, Lehi, UT

Liz McGuire, Grantsville, UT

Your show of courage in the face of great pressure will long be remembered… and used as an example of singular and bright integrity.  Thank you!
Janine Nelson, Stockton, CA

Thank you for pursuing a path that allows all sides to be heard.
Melanie Palsky, West Valley City, UT

LeAnn Mason, Sandy, UT

Kara Coffin, Star, ID

Elizabeth Steele, Salt Lake City, UT

Chad Nielsen, Fresno, CA

Adrienne Robinson, Littleton, CO

Amanda Lierman, Tulsa, OK

Your vote was honorable. You showed moral courage. Please stand strong and vote to remove Trump from office.
Martha Paige, Portland, OR

Shanon Black, Kansas City, MO

Thank you for voting for witnesses in the Trump impeachment trial. I watched Republican senators proclaim that Trump had not received due process in the House, and then they voted against calling witnesses in the Senate. I’m a lawyer. You can’t have it both ways. If you say you don’t want witnesses, don’t complain that you aren’t getting due process. This spectacle has made me upset with our nation, but I am grateful to you for your integrity and sense in voting for witnesses. I wish more of our leaders exhibited similar integrity, irrespective of political party.
Megan Needham, Beaverton, OR

Thanks for standing up and standing out. That takes moral courage in abundance.
Jill Hemming Austin, Chapel Hill, NC

Karen Hanneman, Arlington, VA

Elsa Gary, Park City, UT

Thank you for standing up in the pursuit of truth!
Benee Larsen, Sandy, UT

Jenna Gabrielson, St George, UT

Daniel Omalley, North Salt Lake, UT

Mitt, thank you so much for standing alone in your fight for truth. We won’t forget this!
Mary Jane Smith, Orem, UT

Kathleen Zenger Nilsen, Holladay, UT

Sylvis Cabus, Washington, DC

Mary Crance, Margate, FL

Laurel Mecham, Orem, UT

Debbie Ellis, Richmond, KY

Kay Hill, Orem, UT

In these trying times, we so very much need men of honor and integrity and courage. Thank you, Senator Romney!
Donna Wilkerson, Snohomish, WA

You are my hero! Thanks for standing up for what is right. What an example of standing for our Constitution and courage.
Emilee Pugh Bell, Boise, ID

“The right to search for the truth implies also a duty; one must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be the truth.” -Albert Einstein
Elizabeth Niccum, Lake Oswego, OR

You don’t stand alone! I respect your integrity and ability to use your agency. The plan of salvation was established long before Donald Trump came up with a “not new plan” where everyone must do as he says. #warinheaven
Linda Urmston, Bakersfield, CA

David Thielet, Cleveland, OH

Morgan Hagey, Eagle Mountain, UT

Thank you for your integrity.
Theresa Flenniken, Layton, UT

In these difficult times where your party is not the Republican Party, but the Trump Party, it takes courage to speak out against him. I thank you for your courage to be able to say that you still have the right to vote your conscience… it may not be an option that much longer if people like you don’t step up. Thank you!
Harvey Tanttila, San Tan Valley, AZ

Thank you for being an American hero! It was so nice to see someone make an ethical choice.
Anita Wells, Sandy, UT

Thank you for having a healthy skepticism of power and voting not to deny due process to one of the most important trials of our nation’s history. Your courage to stand up for truth and justice gives me hope that others may follow in your footsteps.
Audrey Sherwood, West Lafayette, IN

Thank you for upholding your oath to the Constitution.
Sandra Mings Lamar, Saint Johnsbury, VT

Thank you for respectfully and with courage and dignity standing up for truth. Please continue.
Diane Donovan, Kaysville, UT

Matt Karpowitz, Gilbert, AZ

Katie Konold, Provo, UT

Christy Jacobs, Layton, UT

So proud to have MY senator be one working outside of party lines.
Rachel Augustus, Orem, UT

Thank you for your courage in this situation. Your strong moral and ethical code makes me proud to have you represent me in Washington.
Lauren Johnson, Lindon, UT

Well done, Senators!
Kelli Frame, Salt Lake City, UT

Susan Hall, SLC, UT

Thank you for giving us hope that there are a few good people left in politics. Thank you for being the kind of man I can point my son to as an example of integrity and courage. Thank you!!!
Jessica Grant Heiner, Columbus, OH

Thank you for your integrity, and for honoring your oath to support and defend our constitution
Layne Huff, Brigham City, UT

Thank you for putting decency above party and attempting to hold a fair trial.
Emily Stoker, Meridian, ID

Angela Rawlings, Kaysville, UT

I appreciate your sanity and integrity. We could use a lot more of those traits in our leadership. Thank you!
Rachelle Quintanilla, Arlington, VA

Thanks for standing up for what you believe in!
Troy Sales, Spanish Fork, UT

Michele Straube, Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you for clearly voting to find the truth. No matter the cost or no matter where the truth falls.
Cheryl Walters, Provo, UT

Annette Lyon, American Fork, UT

Erin Jones, Riverton, UT

Carly Haygood, Conway, AR

Thank you for your integrity and for standing up for what is right!
Louise Pledge, Bountiful, UT

Keith Rust, South Jordan, UT

Thank you for standing for truth and righteousness!
Marci Parker, Spanish Fork, UT

Thank you for your courage. It means so much to us and does not go unnoticed!
Amy Despain, Provo, UT

Heather Belnap, Sandy, UT

Bethany Howard-Meiners, Great Falls, MT

Senator Romney, I am a lifelong proud democrat. Very few of my political opinions align with yours. I don’t care, because you had the courage to do the right thing, opinion polls be darned, I will be voting for you in 2024, regardless of what others in my party say/think. Your actions have also given me a small sliver of hope that there is still hope for the white people in our church.
Matthew Tracy, Salt Lake City, UT

I feel like the number of politicians that I can count on to make moral, measured decisions no matter the circumstances has been dramatically reduced. You are one of the few who I know I can count on. Thank you for standing true. I am so saddened by all the hatred you have been subjected to from so many of your constituents. My in-laws were in your stake in Massachusetts while you were stake president, and they have often commented on your sincerity and steadfastness. I know you’re the real deal. 🙂 Hang in there — we are praying for you!
Rebecca Knell, Rancho Cordova, CA

Glorianne Olsen, Wilmington, NC

Janna Martin, Taylorsville, UT

Barbara Lee, Woodbridge, VA

Thank you for being a man of integrity!
Amanda Macdonald, Kansas City, MO

Thank you for having the courage and integrity to follow due process!
Stephanie Willmore, Provo, UT

It cannot be easy to go against such a determined, partisan tide. But thank you for voting for witnesses. We needed to hear from witnesses! Thank you.
Pamela L Embley, Woods Cross, UT

Sarah Alva, West Valley, UT

Jennifer Lambert, Provo, UT

Melissa Hardin, Cumming, GA

Margaret Pratt, Phoenix, AZ

Thank you for your courage to stand for the right.
Pamela Smith, Tollhouse, CA

Valerie Eskelsen, Kennewick, WA

Sherry Marks Walker, Sandpoint, ID

Pamela Bradley, Las Vegas, NV

Thank you so much for your integrity!
Lisa Lewis, Vancouver, WA

Aimee Grundberg, Beaver, PA

Noel Jones-Stockwell, Spanaway, WA

Thank you, Senator Romney! It took courage and character to vote against your colleagues. Your legacy will be that of ethical and honest leadership.
Mary Ellen Smoot Fox, Henderson, NV

Patricia Christensen, West Jordan, UT

Mary Christine Baker, Plano, TX

Erin Langford, South Jordan, UT

Jennifer Webb, Kaysville, UT

Kim Powell, Heber City, UT

Anneli Scopazzi, San Francisco, CA

Virginia Wiltbank, Tigard, OR

Dorian Cundick, Arlington, VA

Ann Williams, Parker, CO

Melissa Bentley, Salt Lake City, UT

Kami Alvarez, Saratoga Springs, UT

Laura Lawrence, Walnut Creek, CA

Kristen Bonner, Salt Lake City, UT

Elizabeth Bighorse, Liberty Lake, WA

June Wilson, Madison, WI

Maxwell Hamberger, Bozeman, MT

Thank you for standing up to those who would prefer that we be, “We the mushrooms.” You know… kept in the dark and covered in…
Carol Workman, Mesa, AZ

Charleen Dunstan, Denton, TX

McKenna Johnson, Provo, UT

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your courageous vote to promote integrity and truth. I stand tall and speak boldly in your defense to those who would choose to defend corruption and the increasingly questionable interests of any political party over the best interests of our nation. I admire your bravery, I urge you to continue in right-leadership, and I pray that your influence will be felt among your companions in the Senate. Thank you, and may God bless you!
Catherine Bergen, Corrales, NM

Sending love and respect.
Carolyn Melby, Frederick, MD

I appreciate your example of integrity!
Jessica Kimball, Shoreview, MN

Nancy Michels, San Diego, CA

Iona Moore, North Salt Lake, UT

Lori Galindo, Salt Lake City, UT

LaJean Carruth, Logan, UT

Troy Clarke, Riverton, UT

Teresa Totoricaguena, Salt Lake City, UT

Jerry and Pattie Vincent, Mesa, AZ

Sara Wells, Lehi, UT

Thank you for doing the right thing. While some members of our faith may disagree with you and say awful things, you are setting a great example. You are showing to those outside of our faith that you are trying to do what is fair and honorable. Our actions are the best way to share our testimony with others.
Wendy Viveros, Fillmore, CA

Thank you for restoring my faith in Republican senators and providing a guiding light for others to follow. Your integrity will be recorded in history for generations to come.
Laura Elekdag, Washington, DC

Cheryl Myrup, Lexington, KY

Kellie Holt, Murray, UT

Thank you for standing up for the process! Now, please vote to convict. The house evidence is sufficient.
Sara Nix, Las Vegas, NV

Kristen Andersen, Coconut Creek, FL

Jennefer Walden, Lima, OH

Kathlin Ray, Reno, NV

As a Utahn at heart I was so proud of your independent, ethical action concerning witnesses.  Thank you!
Leilani Rigby, Jefferson, NY

Thank you for standing with courage where most others would not.
Sarah Page, Mesa, AZ

Greg Banks, Troy, ID

Thank you for choosing best over what others may consider good.
Angela Ewing, Tumwater, WA

Kallan Larsen, Ann Arbor, MI

Thank you for your courageous decision to vote for witnesses at the impeachment hearings. I’m discouraged that our society values winning more than they regard truth. But I’m grateful that we have a few leaders who can act without partisanship as they lead our country. Thanks for all that you do.
Julie Slagle, Rexburg, ID

Kelly Layton Beeson, Gilbert, AZ

Catherine Call, Anchorage, AK

I thank you sincerely for having the courage and integrity to vote for hearing witnesses in this vitally important process. Regardless of the final result, I am proud that my senator was willing to “do what is right.”
Cecilia Peek, Provo, UT

Kate Strickling Lyman, Memphis, TN

Rachael Pearce, Sandy, UT

Molly Arrigo, Mundelein, IL

I am so scared about what will happen to the US right now with Trump in charge, but hearing you are asking for witnesses has given me faith in our government again!
Annie Hamilton, Sandy, UT

Carol Gentry, Honolulu, HI

Lisa Turner, Centennial, CO

Karli Devoe, Olympia, WA

Chad Hancock, Mapleton, UT

I hear people saying how difficult it must have been for you to be the lone star in your decision to vote to have witnesses during the impeachment trial and how hard you will be hit on both sides of the aisle for doing so. Although I don’t know you (actually I did meet you and Anne in Chantilly, VA, during a presidential rally back in 2012), I have a feeling it wasn’t hard for you to choose to seek after the truth! It probably wasn’t even a decision you had to think about. You tell the truth and demanded to hear the truth. Period. That is just who you are. The truth was, and is, all there is in one’s quest to live a moral, decent, and respectable life, in my opinion. That is why I support you as a politician, but more importantly as a person. My sincerest “thank you.”
Lisa Jones, Leesburg, VA

Thank you for your courage. You did not let us down.
Lillian Paries, Sammamish, WA

Rebecca Alatorre, Rocklin, CA

Kelsey Phillips, Provo, UT

Brenda Petersen, Bountiful, UT

Kimberley Williamson, Highland Village, TX

Brooke Barnes, Provo, UT

Eleanor Sweetwood, Winchendon, MA

Chris Moss, Murray, UT

Patricia Sadoski, Logan, UT

Rebekah Francis, Phoenix, AZ

Thank you for standing up for our country and putting our common welfare and the constitution above partisan politics. I hope more follow. We are beyond the right/left differences here. What is happening today is corrosive and needs to stop. I don’t care what party my heroes come from these days. Today, a hero is someone who puts our commonality and shared values above all else. Sometimes even above self. Thank you.
Jennifer Bennington, Apex, NC

Paul Gibbs, West Valley City, UT

Mari Heward, Orem, UT

Scott Morris, Lubbock, TX

Heather Vogeley, Salt Lake City, UT

Anne-Marie Waddell, Columbus, OH

Thank you for doing the right and just thing by voting for witnesses. God bless you.
Mary Nielson, Sun City West, AZ

Pauline Souter, Chugiak, AK

Lissette McIlmoil, La Grande, OR

Sonia Groesbeck, Brooklin, ME

Thank you for standing for truth with dignity, integrity, intelligence, and respect.
Carrie Nelson, Provo, UT

Sally Farrell, Provo, UT

Dear Senator (Brother) Romney. Even though I’m not a Utah resident and voter, I lived in Utah Valley for 8 years in the 80s while attending BYU and raising my young family; my 2 sons were born there. I still have many relatives and friends in Utah and nearby states. I am also a 47-year convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from the DC area. I have never been so concerned about the security, integrity, and morality of our US Constitutional Republic and our democratic principles. I have always been an optimist rather than a pessimistic doomsday predictor, but it feels to me that our national government, some of its very wealthy supporters, oligarchs, and autocrats worldwide are looking more and more like the Gadianton Robbers and Kingmen from the Book of Mormon, and that we are no doubt seeing an increase of the signs and tumult prophesied for the latter days. I also find the willingness of the current president and his administration to welcome foreign interference in our political dialogue and process to be very concerning. Many of us no longer know if we can trust our political leaders at the highest levels to avoid using the awesome powers of their positions to harm, betray, and even destroy those who they deem to be their political rivals and even against those who choose to use their first amendment right of free speech to peacefully protest or disagree with policies, actions, or words of those leaders. It’s beginning to look more  like Putin’s Russia where dissenters have strange accidents or are “disappeared.” Please know that these are frightening times for many Americans, church members included. I am dismayed by the large portion of our population who believe lies and are not even willing to look at evidence to the truth. I add my appreciation to that of many others for your support for the rule of law, due process, the need for witnesses and documentary evidence in US trials, including in an impeachment trial in the Senate. I thank you for standing for truth, justice, compassion, and love for those who share this country and this world with us. And this you have done in spite of the risks you must take of incurring the potential wrath, mockery, and vengeance of the current president and many in his administration and party who have questionable agendas and values which don’t seem to align with those that Christ taught. I think we need more people like you in government leadership who are willing to take those risks to represent Americans who want the government to do what is right rather than simply what is expedient for those who would cover their lies and sins. Thank you again for your courage in a very difficult time. I pray we will all keep the faith and do what is right, let the consequences follow.
Lorayne Blacka, Fairfax, VA

Shauna Bona, Sandy, UT

Ana Atkinson, Clovis, CA

Emma Addams, Omaha, NE

Sue Bergin, Orem, UT

Brooke Perkes, Elkhorn, NE

Thank you for your example of moral courage and integrity. We need more leaders like you.
Linda Perkes, Biloxi, MS

Marilyn Kline, West Jordan, UT

Susan Paullin, Manhattan Beach, CA

McKenna Park, Orem, UT

Cecily Kiester, Lacey, WA

I am so proud that Sen. Romney was one of only two Republican senators to show moral courage.
Debra Munk, Kensington, MD

Sharon Cutler, Idaho Falls, ID

Thank you for taking a stand for truth.
Cindy Jackson, La Jara, CO

Steven Jackson, Taylorsville, UT

Stephen Trimble, Torrey, UT

Thank you for your patriotism, Senator!
Jill Jackson, Taylorsville, UT

Susan Fritzler, Stansbury Park, UT

Thank you for taking a stand for truth and righteousness! You are a hero and a great example!
Jill Helland, Goodyear, AZ


  1. Sophia Watchman

    Thank you!

  2. Roberta A. Perry

    Thank you for being true to your faith. God bless you and your family. Unfortunately, others do not have your courage.

  3. Tiffany Smith

    Thank you for putting our country, Constitution, and rule of law above party!

  4. Alicia Booth

    Thank you for defending the Constitution and showing moral fortitude.

  5. Emily White

    In a toxic political climate where rhetoric rarely follows responsive legislation, your words and integrity before God will always be a footnote in our family’s history.

  6. Carrie

    Thank you, Mitt, for having integrity and doing the right thing for America. Even when no one else does the right thing, it’s still the right thing.
    This took real courage.
    If I still lived in Utah, I’d bring you some BYU chocolate milk. Merci beaucoup pour avoir choisi le bien. Tu es un homme courageux.

  7. Ginger Orosco

    Your courage and conviction will be always remembered. Thank you for standing for what is right.

  8. Maureen Regala

    Thank you Senator Romney for honoring your oath of office and ‘We the people’. You have shown to be true to yourself, family, constituents, country, and God.
    May you be forever be blessed & protected.
    Much Aloha,
    Maureen Regala in California

  9. Karinna Dawbin, Maine

    Thank you!

  10. Katy M Marsh

    So much respect for you right now. Thank you.

  11. Amber Pederson

    Thank you!

  12. Meredith Stankiewicz

    Thank you, Senator Romney for putting our country first. Your bravery and integrity is commendable. Thank you so much for fighting to preserve our freedoms and the rule of law.

  13. Tamara England

    History will remember you as a true statesman. Thank you for choosing the right thing and not the popular one.

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