Tag: independent (Page 1 of 2)

‘Everyone Deserves the Right To Vote’

Dear Senators Sinema and Kelly, 

I am an independent voter and want to look at each candidate before voting. I think everyone deserves the right to vote how and where they can. I think any legislation that tries to limit people being able to vote is wrong. However, I am concerned about recent efforts to limit Americans’ voting freedom. Restrictive voting efforts are largely based on the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen or rife with fraud, despite it being the most secure election of our history. Voting freedom restrictions disenfranchise some of our most historically oppressed Americans, including Native Americans and Black Americans.  

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‘Just Imagine How Wonderful It Would Be if We Could Take the Necessary Steps to Clean Our Air Permanently’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I’m an independent voter writing for your support regarding a number of environmental issues facing our planet. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren that I want to be able to enjoy clean air, water and enough food to sustain them. I firmly believe that if a great effort is not made to save our planet they will not have the luxuries of these elements that we take for granted.

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Letters Opposing ICE Changes to Student and Exchange Visitor Program

Update: On July 14, 2020, federal immigration officials rescinded the new guidelines for the Student Exchange Visitor Program, reverting back to guidance from March 2020 that allows exceptions to in-person class requirements due to the pandemic.

This letter-writing campaign began as an effort by Mormon Women for Ethical Government. Many of our members, especially those with international family, friends, and students, were very concerned that on July 6, 2020, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced they would modify the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), which allows international students to study in the U.S. on F-1 and M-1 visas.

As a result of the changes, students who have these visas would be required to leave the U.S. if their college or university is not offering in-person classes. In-person classwork has always been a requirement for these visas, but in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic the SEVP allowed foreign students to take their spring and summer classes online while staying in the country. ICE’s recent announcement makes it clear that this accommodation will not be available as of the fall 2020 semester, and international students whose schools are not offering in-person classes must transfer to a school that does offer in-person instruction — or “depart the country.”  

Per the MWEG Principles of Ethical Government, we are committed to “promoting ethical government for the protection and well-being of our brothers and sisters.” Over one million men and women come to the U.S. each year to advance their education and develop their skills. Their presence blesses and enriches our country both here and abroad. ICE’s new policy is unnecessary, callous, and does not advance any American interests. After our open call for letters, we were impressed with the sincerity and thoughtfulness they embodied.

With the authors’ permission, we’re reprinting them here.

‘Requiring Colleges and Universities to Open for In-Person Instruction Is Unsafe and Unnecessary’

Dear Senator Feinstein, Senator Harris, and Representative Eshoo,

I am an independent voter who is deeply concerned about the fact that under ICE’s new rules, international students must choose between attending in-person classes during a pandemic or taking them online from another country.

With the COVID-19 pandemic still spiking in the United States, requiring colleges and universities to open for in-person instruction is unsafe and unnecessary. But the new SEVP modifications announced on July 6 by ICE force institutions to choose between putting the health of their students and instructors at risk or losing their international students.

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‘We Need Flexibility for Universities to Make Decisions That Are Best for Their Community’

Dear Senator Minority Whip Durbin, Senator Duckworth, and Representative Bost,

I am an independent voter who is deeply concerned about the fact that under ICE’s new rules, international students must choose between attending in-person classes during a pandemic or taking them online from another country.

With the COVID-19 pandemic still spiking in the United States, requiring colleges and universities to open for in-person instruction is unsafe and unnecessary. But the new SEVP modifications announced on July 6 by ICE force institutions to choose between putting the health of their students and instructors at risk or losing their international students.

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‘This Policy Is Unnecessary and Callous’

Dear Senator Casey, Senator Toomey, and Representative Fitzpatrick,

I am an independent voter living in Hatfield township. I am a mother of two college students and will be attending graduate school myself this fall at the University of Pennsylvania. I know I should not be able to be shocked at the inhumanity of ICE anymore and yet this past week, I was again shocked and disgusted when I learned of the new policy ordering international students whose classes have been moved online to return to their native countries. 

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‘I Am Stunned by ICE’s Recent Policy’

Dear Senator Burr, Senator Tillis, and Representative Butterfield,

I am an independent voter, and I have worked in higher ed for over a decade. I am stunned by ICE’s recent policy to modify the SEVP and severely restrict F-1 and M-1 visas. I have seen firsthand the positive impact that international students have on both the economy and the universities they attend.

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‘Our Country, Our Constitution, Our Citizens Deserve an Ethical, Responsible Impeachment Proceeding’

Dear Senators Feinstein, Harris, and McConnell,

I am a long-term Californian, an Independent voter, a veteran, a mental health professional, a civic minded citizen, a father and husband.  I voted for you in the last elections.

Of course I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to media and news organizations, reading the news, receiving information from my employer and union, and other organizations. 

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‘We Should Be First and Foremost Loyal to the Country and Its Constitution’

Dear Senators Alexander and Blackburn,

I am a former Republican, now an Independent. The Republican Party has lost its moorings in “The Age Of Trump.” There is no place there for me anymore, so I could not stay. I cannot, will not, support a President who constantly lies, bullies and berates anyone who is not “loyal” to HIM. We should be first and foremost loyal to the country and its constitution. His brazen attitude concerning the power of the Presidency is very worrisome to me. His erratic behavior is unnerving, and I’m afraid what future “off the cuff” decisions he may make that will negatively affect the nation and the world. He is tearing this country apart as he constantly pits democrats and republicans against each other. 

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‘It Cracks the Foundation Upon Which Our Country Is Founded and Will Do Irreparable Damage’

Dear Senator Gardner,

As a political independent, I have almost always voted Republican, including my vote in the last presidential election. Three years in, I have some deep concerns about President Trump.

As we enter this phase of his impeachment trial, I find it unconscionable that there is an effort among Republicans to go forward without calling witnesses. There should be a full and fair trial which would include witnesses; anything short of that certainly could not be called fair. While President Trump should have the chance to defend himself, disallowing witnesses can only be seen as an effort to hide and obfuscate.

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