Category: Impeachment (Page 6 of 6)

‘The Framers Intended that the Senate Would Act Independently of the White House’

Dear Senators Peters and Stabenow,

I followed the House’s impeachment proceedings last year. The witnesses we heard were credible and honest, with nothing to gain by testifying. I came to the conclusion that President Trump did indeed direct foreign policy in an effort to benefit himself politically. 

Now it is time for the Senate to conduct its trial. Additional information has surfaced since the House proceedings, and we still haven’t heard from Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Their witness and testimony are vital to get an accurate and complete picture.

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‘I Care About the Impeachment Proceedings Because My Key Value Has Always Been Truth’

Dear Senators Feinstein and Harris,

I am a constituent, and proud of your wisdom and leadership. I was a lifelong Republican, until these dark years. I’m grateful for my progressive friends who have extended their patience and mercy towards me as I woke up and learned increased empathy and understanding. I’m currently an independent that leans heavily progressive.

As a woman who has worked in the male-dominated tech field, as a mother who sees the challenges first-hand, raising biracial daughters, the issues that matter most to me include equality, inclusiveness, healthcare for all, and safety. The fact that our nation has been on a course that continually veers away from the issues that matter to me and so many families across this nation, is sobering.

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‘I Am a Republican, a Mother, and a Native Alaskan’

Dear Senators McConnell, Murkowski, and Sullivan,

I am a Republican, a mother, and a Native Alaskan.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings and reading a wide variety of news sources.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because they symbolize the state of our democracy.

I want to see a full and fair trial in the Senate because that is the only way to sustain and uphold the rule of law for all citizens.

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Impeachment Letters :: The Beginnings

This letter-writing campaign began as an effort by Mormon Women for Ethical Government. After closely following the impeachment hearings in the House, we realized that a majority of our members, like a majority of Americans, wanted to know more from people with firsthand knowledge of the events. These witnesses would be crucial to understanding the nature of President Trump’s request to withhold foreign aid from Ukraine, and it would be up to Senate leaders to make that happen. So we decided to become the messenger, offering to print and hand deliver any letter that peaceably petitioned senators to push for a full and fair impeachment trial.

After our open call for letters, we were overwhelmed by not only the quantity of responses but also the thoughtfulness and patriotism they embodied. All told, more than 1,000 women and men from nearly every state submitted letters. As we read their words, we witnessed a nation both refusing to be torn apart by personal ideologies and petitioning Congress to do likewise. This display of devotion to democracy buoyed us up, and we felt a duty to share their words as additional witnesses.

With their permission, we’re reprinting them here.

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