Dear Senators Peters and Stabenow,

I followed the House’s impeachment proceedings last year. The witnesses we heard were credible and honest, with nothing to gain by testifying. I came to the conclusion that President Trump did indeed direct foreign policy in an effort to benefit himself politically. 

Now it is time for the Senate to conduct its trial. Additional information has surfaced since the House proceedings, and we still haven’t heard from Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Their witness and testimony are vital to get an accurate and complete picture.

As Mitch McConnell himself declared, “It’s the Senate’s turn now — to render sober judgment as the framers envisioned.” The framers intended that the Senate would act independently of the White House, and would render a non-partisan judgment. I worry that Senator McConnell has forgotten this part of the Constitution, and his own oath of office.

I ask you to do whatever you can to lead across party lines, and to encourage Senator McConnell to conduct a full and fair impeachment trial with impartial jurors, as required by the Constitution.

Robin (Michigan)