Dear Senators Romney and Lee,
24 years ago, when I was a 16-year-old attending Girls State at Southern Utah University, I threw back my shoulders and proudly declared, “I love my government, but I hate politics.” That was how I “ran” for our mock House of Representatives, and it has felt like an honest statement to me in all the years since.
On the edge of a new decade, I look out my front window at the summit of Mount Timpanogos and I feel much the same. But now, rather than feeling pride and confidence in our government, I feel a deep sense of dread and disillusionment.
I have no allegiance to any party, but I feel a deep allegiance to the principles of compassion, integrity, and “do what is right, let the consequence follow” that represent the very best of what Utah is to me. I believe in those things. I am dismayed at the prospect of impeachment hearings in the senate that have already been promised not to be fair or impartial. I cannot believe that sides are already being taken and lines being drawn. Why are the principles that I would give my life for being laid down on the altar of “hold on to power at any cost”?
Please, senators. I know it is easy for me to sit here and ask you to be brave. It must feel like I am asking you to risk a lot. But standing for the truth and standing for what is right is what Utah is — and should be — about. I am asking you to lead. In this time when we need leaders to protect our government from the assault of corrupt politics. Please. Stand up for a fair and impartial impeachment trial in the senate. Let the consequence follow.
You say this so well. Let the truth, whatever it is, come out. The biggest win is full disclosure wherever that ends.
I couldn’t agree more. Please more forward and stop your own grandstanding and represent Utah and what we stand for.
Perfectly stated <3 <3 <3