Dear Senator Gardner,

I am a constituent of yours. 

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by reading a wide variety of news sources and have become increasingly anxious about the situation, and near constitutional crisis, that our country finds itself in. 

I care about the impeachment proceedings because our reputation with the world is at stake and if we cannot conduct these proceedings according to the constitution and with dignity then it will have terrible consequences for our country’s future and for the world. 

I want to see a full and fair trial in the Senate because it is important that all the facts are brought out and that we make a decision based on them. I cannot be a part of this trial and I have elected you on the basis that I believed you to be fair and balanced. If you continue to vote based on party lines without regard to facts or the well being of our country’s constitution then I must conclude you are unfit to be a senator. Thank you for your time, efforts and careful consideration. 

Shayla (Colorado)