Tag: integrity

‘Do What Is Right, Let the Consequence Follow’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee, 

24 years ago, when I was a 16-year-old attending Girls State at Southern Utah University, I threw back my shoulders and proudly declared, “I love my government, but I hate politics.” That was how I “ran” for our mock House of Representatives, and it has felt like an honest statement to me in all the years since. 

On the edge of a new decade, I look out my front window at the summit of Mount Timpanogos and I feel much the same. But now, rather than feeling pride and confidence in our government, I feel a deep sense of dread and disillusionment.

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‘Integrity Is Crucial to Our Nation’s Survival’

Dear Senators McSally and Sinema,

Integrity is crucial to our nation’s survival. Please objectively review the facts in the impeachment trial and decide based on the evidence. This is not a matter of staying within party lines. This is a matter of right and wrong, using the facts as well as your conscience to make the correct decision as a juror. You would deserve impartiality if YOU were on trial. Our nation deserves the same. Thank you for doing the right thing.

Brenda (Arizona)

‘I Am a Republican, a Mother, and a Native Alaskan’

Dear Senators McConnell, Murkowski, and Sullivan,

I am a Republican, a mother, and a Native Alaskan.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings and reading a wide variety of news sources.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because they symbolize the state of our democracy.

I want to see a full and fair trial in the Senate because that is the only way to sustain and uphold the rule of law for all citizens.

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