Dear Senator McSally,

I am a disabled 5th generation American educator. Due to my disability, I am often homebound which allows me to spend much of my time following the impeachment proceedings and official releases.

I believe in the American values of liberty and justice for all. I spent my life pledging allegiance to those principles as symbolized in our flag.

I want to see a full and fair trial in the Senate because I believe the best way forward is to call forward those witnesses who have first hand information regarding our country’s dealings with Ukraine. People of integrity need not fear the witness stand. Let them use their confidence in the president to sway the hearts of constituents like myself who want to believe our representatives are worthy of all the trust & power we place in you.

I agree with the enclosed statement on impeachment by Mormon Women for Ethical Government and encourage you to read it. I know the women who wrote this did so with a prayer in their heart and the confidence in a Creator who desires all of creation to live peaceably with one another.

Shauna (Arizona)