Tag: military

‘You Swore to Defend the Constitution Just as My Sons Did When They Joined the Military’

Dear Senators Booker, Menendez, and McConnell,

I am a retired teacher and the mother of two sons serving in the military. I have been following the news of the impeachment hearings by watching the live hearings and testimony in Congress and reading local and national newspapers. I care about how the impeachment proceedings in the Senate will be conducted and want to see a full and fair trial by impartial jurors and one in which witnesses are allowed to testify. When you took the oath of office you swore to support and defend the Constitution just as my sons did when they joined the military.

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‘I Can Attest to the Importance of Sacrifice in the Name of Protecting Freedom’

Dear Senator McSally,

I am an Army wife. Though I have only been [able] to identify as such for the last 18 months, I can attest to the importance of sacrifice in the name of protecting the freedom of our great country. Among our freedoms is the freedom of speech, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share my concerns with you in this letter.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by way of impartial news outlets. My investment in the proceedings is much greater than any other occurrence in D.C. than I’d have ever expected. Truthfully, I feel a great need to pay close attention, for I fear that work in my government is being done dishonestly.

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‘I Value the System of Government I Live Under’

Dear Senators Crapo and Risch,

I am a republican, physician, father of three, soon to be four, and a long-time Idahoan with deep Idaho roots on both sides of my family. My father was in the Air Force and I grew up living on military bases, learning patriotism and respect for my local and national elected leaders. I value the system of government I live under and support as a U.S. citizen. 

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‘When You Took the Oath of Office You Swore to Support and Defend the Constitution’

Dear Senators Booker, McConnell, and Menendez

I am a retired teacher and the mother of two sons serving in the military. I have been following the news of the impeachment hearings by watching the live hearings and testimony in Congress and reading local and national newspapers. I care about how the impeachment proceedings in the Senate will be conducted and want to see a full and fair trial by impartial jurors and one in which witnesses are allowed to testify. When you took the oath of office you swore to support and defend the Constitution just as my sons did when they joined the military. The president himself must honor his sworn duty to the Constitution by providing the documents Congress has subpoenaed and allowing his current and former staff to testify.

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