Tag: Ohio

‘I Want the Senate Trial to Include Evidence and Testimony That Was Blocked by the White House’

Dear Senators Portman and Brown,

I have been paying attention to a variety of news sources reporting on impeachment, and I support the House vote of December 18, 2019. I believe the testimony of the ambassadors, foreign service representatives, and civil servants as they explained the events under investigation. I support the official statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government calling for a full and fair trial in the Senate. I want the Senate trial to include evidence and testimony that was blocked by the White House during the House inquiry. 

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‘The Republican Party Which I Have Long Supported Has Turned a Blind Eye’

Dear Senator Portman,

I am a Cincinnati resident and have long admired your bipartisan efforts in the past, especially in your cooperation with Senator Brown. I have been closely following the impeachment hearings in the House as well as the details surrounding the President’s questionable affiliations with foreign governments. Because my husband studied how Putin uses Russian propaganda during his graduate studies, we recognized Trump’s troubling patterns before he was even elected and have been appalled that the Republican party which I have long supported has turned a blind eye and even defended his actions. 

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‘I’m Concerned That the Minds of Many Senators Are Already Made Up’

Dear Senator Portman,

I have been following the impeachment proceedings very closely. I’m concerned that the minds of many Senators are already made up, before the proceedings in the Senate have even begun. Senator, I know you are a reasonable man. I follow your legislation through your website and through your Facebook page. I believe you will do the right thing and allow witnesses to testify at the impeachment hearing. I want to see a full and fair trial — complete with witnesses — because this is the only way to get to the truth of the matter.

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