Tag: Sinema

‘This Is What America and Our Constitution Are About’

Dear Senators Sinema and Kelly, 

I am a senior citizen who understands the importance of all eligible Americans having easy access to voting. It shouldn’t be difficult to vote to exercise and protect our democracy. However, I am concerned about recent efforts to limit Americans’ voting freedom. Since the beginning of the year, more than 400 restrictive voting laws were introduced, and 30 restrictive voting laws were enacted by state legislatures. Voting freedom restrictions backpedal on 200 years of progress made by our nation towards representative governance.  

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‘Environmental Issues Are Completely Connected to Other Important Human Issues’

Dear Senators Kelly and Sinema,

Earth is one thing we all share in common. If one group of us does irreparable damage to Earth, the rest of us feel it. This is apparent with what is happening in climate change. Climate change then sets up a desperate situation as humans then try to clamor for resources that are vital but become scarce. Over history, we have seen how perilous wars can become further creating death, division, and deep political hurt.

Please consider looking more closely at our environmental issues as they are completely connected to other important human issues.

Danielle (AZ)

‘Schools Should Be Able to Make This Decision Without Having to Worry About Their Students Being Sent Out of the Country’

Dear Senator McSally, Senator Sinema, and Representative Andy Briggs,

In regards to the recent decision by ICE to rescind visas for foreign students if schools are not in person this fall, I want to express my strong opposition to this decision. There are plenty of reasons for schools to be online, and individual schools should be able to make this decision without having to worry about their students being sent out of the country. I can’t see any benefit from sending away students who are contributing to our economy, improving themselves, and experiencing the best of our country.

Angelinda (Arizona)

‘Let the Facts Speak for Themselves and Let Justice Weigh the Evidence’

Dear Senators McSally and Sinema,

Right now, you have the opportunity to make a decision that has the potential to change our country for better or for worse for generations to come. The decision you have to make is much bigger than deciding the guilt or innocence of President Trump, it will outlast your political career, and will set a precedent for all future impeachment proceedings.

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‘Integrity Is Crucial to Our Nation’s Survival’

Dear Senators McSally and Sinema,

Integrity is crucial to our nation’s survival. Please objectively review the facts in the impeachment trial and decide based on the evidence. This is not a matter of staying within party lines. This is a matter of right and wrong, using the facts as well as your conscience to make the correct decision as a juror. You would deserve impartiality if YOU were on trial. Our nation deserves the same. Thank you for doing the right thing.

Brenda (Arizona)

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