Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

Thank you for your time and service. I am writing to strongly urge the U.S. Senate to hold a full and fair impeachment trial of Donald Trump’s actions relating to Ukraine. The right to a full and fair trial is a fundamental tenant of our democracy and it should be applied at the highest levels of government the same as to any trial, of any individual accused of wrongdoing. Key witnesses must be heard and jurors must be impartial, not beholden to party affiliations or personal loyalties. Such bias would disqualify a juror in any US court of law.

I hope that you and the other senators, acting in the capacity of jury, will seek to uncover the truth to the fullest extent possible and make your decision based on the evidence, not on the foregone conclusion that because Donald Trump is “Republican” the Republican-led Senate will not remove him from office. I urge you to exercise integrity and independence on this crucial matter, and uphold our democracy and the principle that no person is above the law. The result of preventing a full trial or barring witnesses is that the truth may be obscured, and justice not carried out. It is gravely dangerous for our country and the world if the president or any high official is allowed to act with impunity. Please do your part to ensure a full and fair impeachment trial.

Christina (Utah)