Dear Senators Bennet and Gardner,
I am your constituent.
I am a voter, raising four children who will become voters — one of them for the first time this November.
I am a member of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, the nonpartisan non-profit group that arranged for the drop-off of this letter today.
I have been following the news of the impeachment since the whistleblower report was first made public. I have read a wide variety of news sources and listened to a significant portion of the House hearings. You face several important decisions in the coming days and weeks.
This is an historical moment for our country and for the United States Senate. I hope that members of both parties can reach across the aisle to work in a respectful and professional way. I have admired your bipartisan efforts in the past and trust that you will continue to behave in a way that will make Coloradans proud. You and your colleagues will be long remembered for how you act in this moment.
I am asking for you to hold a full and fair impeachment trial.
I am asking for you to call additional witnesses who have as-yet-undocumented evidence.
I am asking you to compel your colleague Mitch McConnell to conduct an impartial impeachment trial.
I am asking you to do the right thing.
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