Tag: Constitution

‘I Care About the Impeachment Proceedings Because I Care About the Discernment of Truth, and the Discovery of Evidence’

Dear Senators Jones and Shelby,

I am a constituent who reaches out to my representatives when I feel strongly about issues. I am a mother of three, an artist, and currently obtaining my MSW (master’s in social work) from Samford University. I care deeply about ethical practices in all aspects of society, from community issues to Washington politics.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to a significant portion of the hearing in the House and trial in the Senate.

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‘The Constitution Demands the Process Be Fulfilled’

Dear Senators Cornyn and Cruz,

In college, a Libertarian friend of mine gave me a pocket copy of the Constitution. I carried it with me in my backpack for the rest of my college days, in my desk drawer as a young professional, and now in my home office. I want to instill in my young son the same value and reverence for the Constitution that I’ve learned. 

Which is why I write you now. You speak often of defending the Constitution and upholding the rule of law. A group I volunteer with, Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG), defends the same principles. It’s a diverse group of women — with many, many lifelong conservative voters — who’ve put aside political or policy differences to unite around our fight against abuses of power and the degradation of our democracy. 

In that light, I join with MWEG in asking that you speak out in support of a full and fair impeachment trial in the Senate, to call sworn witnesses and lay all information bare. 

Whether you personally feel President Trump’s actions in regard to Ukraine warrant removal from office, or whether it’s politically expedient for Democrats or Republicans, or whether it’s judicious in an election year, is irrelevant. The Constitution demands the process be fulfilled. And we constituents demand it. 

Please count my voice among the many, many Texas voters who do not agree with your divisive, partisan language regarding the impeachment process, and who rely on your leadership in Washington to ensure everyone, even the president, is accountable to the law.

Lauren (Texas)

‘I Want to See a Full, Fair and Unbiased Senate Trial Without Prejudice on Both Sides of the Aisle’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a mother, Utah constituent who has voted in every election that I have been eligible to vote in for the past 42 years, a committed U.S. citizen, community volunteer who is concerned about the integrity of our republic and politicians respect for the U.S. Constitution. I have been following the impeachment proceedings closely via televised hearings, radio recordings and print news. I care deeply about the impeachment proceedings because I believe Congress needs to be a check on the executive branch as was intended in our constitution and should not become a partisan process. I want to see a full, fair and unbiased Senate trial without prior prejudice on both sides of the aisle. 

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‘The Country and the World Are Watching You’

Dear Senator Gardner,

I am a Colorado resident and senior citizen who cares deeply about the impeachment proceedings. I want you, as a representative of my state and my country to ensure that the Senate respects the process for impeachment AS OUTLINED IN THE CONSTITUTION, holding a full and fair trial with sworn testimony from witnesses. Be impartial and without prejudice. The country and the world are watching you.

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‘No One Is Too Young to Be Affected by the Decisions of Their Political Representatives’

Dear Senators Gardner, Bennet, and McConnell,

I am a seventeen-year-old constituent of Colorado. Though I am not considered old enough to vote now, I will meet the age requirements by the November elections. Of course, no one is too young to care about or be affected by the decisions of their political representatives, and I am certainly no exception.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources, and discussing all of this with my family and classmates. You and I are alike in our exposure to diverse viewpoints concerning this matter.

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