Tag: Impeachment (Page 1 of 4)

‘I Believe Our Very Democracy Is Under Attack’

Dear Senator Gardner,

I am your constituent, a patriotic American, and a registered member of the Democratic party. 

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by reading a wide variety of news sources. Because of what I am hearing, I care strongly about the impeachment hearings — I believe our very democracy is under attack by a president who continually believes he is above the law.

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‘It Is Constitutionally Appropriate to Hold Our President and Other Elected Officials Accountable’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a mother and a patriotic American.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by watching and listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources, and reading the public documents.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because I believe we should have an ethical and moral government free from interference from outside influence.

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‘Our Leaders Must Be Willing to Reach Across the Aisle and Foster an Environment of Open Discussion’

Dear Senators Kaine, McConnell, and Warner,

I have been a resident of Spotsylvania County, Virginia, for 8 years. My husband and I are active in our community, in our five children’s schools, and in our church. We run a successful small business and are grateful for the life we have been blessed with.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings, and I am deeply concerned by the partisan politics hindering this constitutional process.

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‘I Want the Senate Trial to Include Evidence and Testimony That Was Blocked by the White House’

Dear Senators Portman and Brown,

I have been paying attention to a variety of news sources reporting on impeachment, and I support the House vote of December 18, 2019. I believe the testimony of the ambassadors, foreign service representatives, and civil servants as they explained the events under investigation. I support the official statement from Mormon Women for Ethical Government calling for a full and fair trial in the Senate. I want the Senate trial to include evidence and testimony that was blocked by the White House during the House inquiry. 

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‘It Is Important the Trial Moves Forward in a Fair Manner, Where Sworn Witnesses Can Be Called’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am a constituent and a mother who has been following the impeachment process. I am concerned about the impeachment proceedings due to Senator McConnell’s willingness to work with the White House, instead of in the best interests of our country. It is important the trial moves forward in a fair manner, where sworn witnesses can be called and all information is regarded with impartiality.

I agree with the enclosed statement on impeachment by Mormon Women for Ethical Government.

Maurena (Utah)

‘Our Freedoms, Our National Security, and the Culture and Fabric of Our Nation Are at Risk’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I continue to watch the impeachment situation closely and feel a need to speak up (again) to encourage you to do all within your power to ensure a full and fair impeachment trial. Witnesses, especially those closest to the events at issue, must be required to testify. If, as the president contends, he has done nothing wrong, then witness testimony will exonerate him. 

Based on the testimony I have heard in the House proceedings, I believe our president has (clearly, obviously, brazenly) abused the power he holds on behalf of the citizens of this nation. His actions pose risks to our security that are not limited to one party, and the response to those risks must not be party-line. 

His decision to order the attack on general Qasem Soleimani is a horrifying example that demonstrates too clearly how his impulsivity and egocentric self-interest can cost innocent lives, the unintended “lateral damage” resulting from a provocative and ill-considered act. I believe he bears partial responsibility for the deaths of two American servicemen yesterday and the 176 civilians who perished when Iran downed the Ukrainian airliner. 

We have laws that provide boundaries on personal conduct to protect all of us. Our freedoms, our national security, and the culture and fabric of our nation are at risk if the impeachment process continues to be more about party loyalty than about the president’s conduct. The rule of law must “trump” Trump. A full, fair, and impartial impeachment trial is essential.

Let me be clear that this registered Republican will be voting for a Democrat in the fall if Republicans all line up in lock step to support, excuse, justify, appease, placate, and/or vindicate the president.

I stand with other Mormon Women for Ethical Government in asserting that any “leader who forces political support and fails to honor and protect the free and legitimate elections on which our republic rests has lost the moral right to govern.”

Pamela, UT

‘The Right to a Full and Fair Trial Is a Fundamental Tenant of our Democracy’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

Thank you for your time and service. I am writing to strongly urge the U.S. Senate to hold a full and fair impeachment trial of Donald Trump’s actions relating to Ukraine. The right to a full and fair trial is a fundamental tenant of our democracy and it should be applied at the highest levels of government the same as to any trial, of any individual accused of wrongdoing. Key witnesses must be heard and jurors must be impartial, not beholden to party affiliations or personal loyalties. Such bias would disqualify a juror in any US court of law.

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‘Failing to Follow the Rule of Law Is a Threat to All That We Hold Dear in This Nation’

Dear Senators Rubio, Scott, and McConnell,

I am a constituent in Ocala, FL, and I have been reading the news about impeachment in several news sources including the available public documents. I care about the impeachment proceedings because they are a part of the rule of law in our government, and failing to follow the rule of law is a threat to all that we hold dear in this nation.

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‘Do What Is Right, Let the Consequence Follow’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee, 

24 years ago, when I was a 16-year-old attending Girls State at Southern Utah University, I threw back my shoulders and proudly declared, “I love my government, but I hate politics.” That was how I “ran” for our mock House of Representatives, and it has felt like an honest statement to me in all the years since. 

On the edge of a new decade, I look out my front window at the summit of Mount Timpanogos and I feel much the same. But now, rather than feeling pride and confidence in our government, I feel a deep sense of dread and disillusionment.

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