Tag: Impeachment (Page 3 of 4)

‘The Republican Party Which I Have Long Supported Has Turned a Blind Eye’

Dear Senator Portman,

I am a Cincinnati resident and have long admired your bipartisan efforts in the past, especially in your cooperation with Senator Brown. I have been closely following the impeachment hearings in the House as well as the details surrounding the President’s questionable affiliations with foreign governments. Because my husband studied how Putin uses Russian propaganda during his graduate studies, we recognized Trump’s troubling patterns before he was even elected and have been appalled that the Republican party which I have long supported has turned a blind eye and even defended his actions. 

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‘No One Is Too Young to Be Affected by the Decisions of Their Political Representatives’

Dear Senators Gardner, Bennet, and McConnell,

I am a seventeen-year-old constituent of Colorado. Though I am not considered old enough to vote now, I will meet the age requirements by the November elections. Of course, no one is too young to care about or be affected by the decisions of their political representatives, and I am certainly no exception.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources, and discussing all of this with my family and classmates. You and I are alike in our exposure to diverse viewpoints concerning this matter.

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‘I’m Concerned That the Minds of Many Senators Are Already Made Up’

Dear Senator Portman,

I have been following the impeachment proceedings very closely. I’m concerned that the minds of many Senators are already made up, before the proceedings in the Senate have even begun. Senator, I know you are a reasonable man. I follow your legislation through your website and through your Facebook page. I believe you will do the right thing and allow witnesses to testify at the impeachment hearing. I want to see a full and fair trial — complete with witnesses — because this is the only way to get to the truth of the matter.

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‘I Believe You to Be an Ethical and Diplomatic Leader’

Dear Senator Romney,

I am so pleased that you are serving in the United States Senate, as I believe you to be an ethical and diplomatic leader, and one that we desperately need right now. I am a Republican from Sandy, and it’s been my privilege to be somewhat involved politically, as a Republican state delegate and precinct chair. I’ve recently become involved with Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) because I see a desperate need for ethical and moderate Republican voices to be heard.

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‘Each Senator Is Required by Constitutional Oath to Be an Impartial Juror’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a seventy year old Utahan and in all my years I have never been so fearful for the fate of the country I love. I have always voted but it has only been during this presidency that I have felt the need to contact my representatives on a regular basis. I have been shocked and saddened by the unethical, cruel and petty actions of our current president. His actions on Ukraine are just the tipping point.

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‘It Will Take Moral Courage to Not Simply Decide as a Republican to Protect the President’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am a registered Republican voter. I beg you to help make the Senate impeachment trial a full and fair process. This means (1) breaking with those in the party who seem mainly interesting in maintaining personal or party power; (2) encouraging senators on both sides to minimize specious arguments that merely delay proceedings and confuse the electorate, and (3) invite sworn, relevant testimony (e.g., from John Bolton). 

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‘We Should Be First and Foremost Loyal to the Country and Its Constitution’

Dear Senators Alexander and Blackburn,

I am a former Republican, now an Independent. The Republican Party has lost its moorings in “The Age Of Trump.” There is no place there for me anymore, so I could not stay. I cannot, will not, support a President who constantly lies, bullies and berates anyone who is not “loyal” to HIM. We should be first and foremost loyal to the country and its constitution. His brazen attitude concerning the power of the Presidency is very worrisome to me. His erratic behavior is unnerving, and I’m afraid what future “off the cuff” decisions he may make that will negatively affect the nation and the world. He is tearing this country apart as he constantly pits democrats and republicans against each other. 

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‘It Cracks the Foundation Upon Which Our Country Is Founded and Will Do Irreparable Damage’

Dear Senator Gardner,

As a political independent, I have almost always voted Republican, including my vote in the last presidential election. Three years in, I have some deep concerns about President Trump.

As we enter this phase of his impeachment trial, I find it unconscionable that there is an effort among Republicans to go forward without calling witnesses. There should be a full and fair trial which would include witnesses; anything short of that certainly could not be called fair. While President Trump should have the chance to defend himself, disallowing witnesses can only be seen as an effort to hide and obfuscate.

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‘I Can Attest to the Importance of Sacrifice in the Name of Protecting Freedom’

Dear Senator McSally,

I am an Army wife. Though I have only been [able] to identify as such for the last 18 months, I can attest to the importance of sacrifice in the name of protecting the freedom of our great country. Among our freedoms is the freedom of speech, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share my concerns with you in this letter.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by way of impartial news outlets. My investment in the proceedings is much greater than any other occurrence in D.C. than I’d have ever expected. Truthfully, I feel a great need to pay close attention, for I fear that work in my government is being done dishonestly.

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