Tag: UT (Page 1 of 4)


‘Show That the Religious and Scientific Communities Can Come Together to Make Change’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee,

Celebrating Earth Day with my family yesterday I thought of the refugee crisis. The southern border crisis, and how climate change is impacting our most vulnerable communities. I thought of the food deserts in our country and how certain communities don’t have access to fresh fruit and vegetables. In many ways, making individual choices to be more environmentally conscious, comes from an immense sense of privilege. That is why we must make a better effort to address this with government action.

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‘I Hope You Will Take Climate Change as a Very Serious and Lasting Problem’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee,

I am writing as one of your constituents to ask that you consider making legislative decisions to curb the crippling effects of climate change. Our most vulnerable populations are even more at risk than others and we need to ensure that we all have clean air, especially with the terrible smog present in our beautiful state. Carbon emissions can easily be reduced by insisting on public transportation, electric cars, and less driving nation wide.

Thank you for your service to our country. I hope you will take climate change as a very serious and lasting problem.

Mary (UT)

‘Our Families Need Clean Air and Water for Health and Longevity’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

As we celebrate Earth Day this year, I urge you to prioritize research and action on climate change. Our families need clean air and water for health and longevity. We need safety from wind storms and extreme weather conditions. While individual actions are important, we will never make the progress needed without government intervention. For example, I have no power as an individual over the 100 companies that emit 71% of the world’s pollution. We need you. Mother Earth needs your support to allow life to thrive. Thank you for your advocacy on my behalf.

Veronika (UT)

‘California Reversed the Direction of Their Climate Through Public Policy — So Can We’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I grew up in the clear skies of SLC in the 60’s and moved to Southern California as a newlywed in the 80’s. The sky was grey there with pollution. People complained of chest pain. There was a large mountain range just 20 miles away that I NEVER KNEW EXISTED. Even on a clear day it was too smoggy to see more than a few miles. That’s like living in Magna and not ever seeing Mount Olympus and the Wasatch Mountains. And then it changed.

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‘This Is Not a Problem to Kick Down the Road’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee,

During this time that we celebrate Earth Day I am reminded that the most effective thing we can do to combat climate change is to use legislative power to change our practices as a community.

I am a long time registered Republican mom of three, and am also presently working in elementary schools across the State as part of the iSEE network. I see these kids and realize it is my responsibility to hand off the planet to them in the best shape I can.

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‘Keep Engaging With the Other Side’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

On this Earth Day 2020, I want to thank you for caring about our environment and the work your office does. Protecting our earth is an issue both Democrats and Republicans think is important. How exactly that happens will take both sides to be willing to compromise and see the other sides point of view. I encourage you to keep engaging with the other side for the health of our children and grandchildren, and because God has entrusted us to be good stewards of the earth.

When it comes to global warming, I know there are things we can do personally to take care of the earth, but without the help of government on a wider scale we cannot get to where we need to be. Personally, I am a fan of carbon pricing to incentivize industries to create cleaner energy solutions.

Melarie (UT)

‘Caring for the Environment Is a Spiritual Responsibility’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

As a woman of faith, I believe that we should be good stewards of our environment. For example, President Russell M. Nelson proclaimed: “We should care for the earth, be wise stewards over it, and preserve it for future generations.” Caring for the environment is a spiritual responsibility and a commandment (see Numbers 35:33-34, Doctrine and Covenants 104:13-17). I take seriously the important obligation to safeguard the earth and her resources for our children and the generations that follow. As Wendell Berry once said, “To damage the earth is to damage your children.” We may not have to face the worst consequences of our inaction in our lifetimes, but our children will.

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‘Sustainability Should Be Our Short Term Goal, Reciprocity in the Long Term’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am writing today to urge you in any capacity that you are able to help stem the tide of climate change. Growing up in a conservative household I never understood the resistance to stop climate change efforts – this should not be a partisan issue! Please do all you can to help in society’s efforts to take better care of the earth. Sustainability should be our short term goal, reciprocity in the long term: are there ways that we can live and structure our society that can actually HELP the earth? I believe we can.

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‘Just Imagine How Wonderful It Would Be if We Could Take the Necessary Steps to Clean Our Air Permanently’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I’m an independent voter writing for your support regarding a number of environmental issues facing our planet. I have grandchildren and great grandchildren that I want to be able to enjoy clean air, water and enough food to sustain them. I firmly believe that if a great effort is not made to save our planet they will not have the luxuries of these elements that we take for granted.

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