Tag: witnesses (Page 2 of 3)

‘I Vote My Conscience and Seek to Support Political Candidates Who Exemplify Ethical Decision Making’

Dear Senators Murray, Cantwell, and McConnell,

I am an unaffiliated member of no political party. I vote my conscience and seek to support political candidates who exemplify ethical decision making, who value what is best for “the least of these” rather than what is expedient for a political party. 

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings and reading a wide variety of news sources and historical events. I have paid close attention to your positions and actions. 

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‘I Have Been Overwhelmed With Worry About Our Country’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am writing to you again to encourage you to continue to act in a bipartisan manner and insist on a fair and full impeachment trial in the Senate. Judging from the House hearings, it is entirely clear that more witnesses and more documentation are required for the full proceedings of President Trump’s call in July to be clearly laid out and revealed.

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‘Silence Can Be Interpreted as Condoning the Decisions and Actions of Our Leaders

Dear Senators Blackburn and Alexander,

I have never been one to attend rallies, write representatives, or volunteer for campaigns. I guess I have always been in the silent majority. It hasn’t been until now that I have been compelled to write to my representatives. Silence can be interpreted as condoning the decisions and actions of our leaders. I do not condone what has been going on since Donald Trump became President of the United States. Because of him and the complicity of the Republicans in both the House and the Senate, I can no longer call myself a Republican. I am now an Independent. 

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‘You Swore to Defend the Constitution Just as My Sons Did When They Joined the Military’

Dear Senators Booker, Menendez, and McConnell,

I am a retired teacher and the mother of two sons serving in the military. I have been following the news of the impeachment hearings by watching the live hearings and testimony in Congress and reading local and national newspapers. I care about how the impeachment proceedings in the Senate will be conducted and want to see a full and fair trial by impartial jurors and one in which witnesses are allowed to testify. When you took the oath of office you swore to support and defend the Constitution just as my sons did when they joined the military.

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‘I Want to See a Full, Fair and Unbiased Senate Trial Without Prejudice on Both Sides of the Aisle’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a mother, Utah constituent who has voted in every election that I have been eligible to vote in for the past 42 years, a committed U.S. citizen, community volunteer who is concerned about the integrity of our republic and politicians respect for the U.S. Constitution. I have been following the impeachment proceedings closely via televised hearings, radio recordings and print news. I care deeply about the impeachment proceedings because I believe Congress needs to be a check on the executive branch as was intended in our constitution and should not become a partisan process. I want to see a full, fair and unbiased Senate trial without prior prejudice on both sides of the aisle. 

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‘You and Your Colleagues Will Be Long Remembered for How You Act in This Moment’

Dear Senators Bennet and Gardner,

I am your constituent.

I am a voter, raising four children who will become voters — one of them for the first time this November.

I am a member of Mormon Women for Ethical Government, the nonpartisan non-profit group that arranged for the drop-off of this letter today.

I have been following the news of the impeachment since the whistleblower report was first made public. I have read a wide variety of news sources and listened to a significant portion of the House hearings. You face several important decisions in the coming days and weeks.

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‘No Man Should Seek to Circumvent the Full Process of Law’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am writing you to encourage you to thoroughly support a full, fair, and impartial trial of the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  As a citizen of the United States, he should be accorded the right to a fair and impartial trial. As the president of the United States, he should be held accountable for his actions and have the right to have them reviewed in an impartial manner. No man should be above the law and no man should be denied the right to a full, unbiased trial. No man should seek to circumvent the full process of law. 

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‘Because No One Should Be Above the Law’

Dear Senators Gardner, Bennet, and McConnell,

I am a patriotic American Citizen.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources both conservative and liberal, as well as reading the public documents.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because I believe that the charges of ignoring the will of Congress and the American people as well as using taxpayer money to influence an election are grave threats to our democracy.

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‘The Country and the World Are Watching You’

Dear Senator Gardner,

I am a Colorado resident and senior citizen who cares deeply about the impeachment proceedings. I want you, as a representative of my state and my country to ensure that the Senate respects the process for impeachment AS OUTLINED IN THE CONSTITUTION, holding a full and fair trial with sworn testimony from witnesses. Be impartial and without prejudice. The country and the world are watching you.

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