Month: January 2020 (Page 2 of 6)

‘The Constitution Demands the Process Be Fulfilled’

Dear Senators Cornyn and Cruz,

In college, a Libertarian friend of mine gave me a pocket copy of the Constitution. I carried it with me in my backpack for the rest of my college days, in my desk drawer as a young professional, and now in my home office. I want to instill in my young son the same value and reverence for the Constitution that I’ve learned. 

Which is why I write you now. You speak often of defending the Constitution and upholding the rule of law. A group I volunteer with, Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG), defends the same principles. It’s a diverse group of women — with many, many lifelong conservative voters — who’ve put aside political or policy differences to unite around our fight against abuses of power and the degradation of our democracy. 

In that light, I join with MWEG in asking that you speak out in support of a full and fair impeachment trial in the Senate, to call sworn witnesses and lay all information bare. 

Whether you personally feel President Trump’s actions in regard to Ukraine warrant removal from office, or whether it’s politically expedient for Democrats or Republicans, or whether it’s judicious in an election year, is irrelevant. The Constitution demands the process be fulfilled. And we constituents demand it. 

Please count my voice among the many, many Texas voters who do not agree with your divisive, partisan language regarding the impeachment process, and who rely on your leadership in Washington to ensure everyone, even the president, is accountable to the law.

Lauren (Texas)

‘The Right to a Full and Fair Trial Is a Fundamental Tenant of our Democracy’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

Thank you for your time and service. I am writing to strongly urge the U.S. Senate to hold a full and fair impeachment trial of Donald Trump’s actions relating to Ukraine. The right to a full and fair trial is a fundamental tenant of our democracy and it should be applied at the highest levels of government the same as to any trial, of any individual accused of wrongdoing. Key witnesses must be heard and jurors must be impartial, not beholden to party affiliations or personal loyalties. Such bias would disqualify a juror in any US court of law.

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‘Failing to Follow the Rule of Law Is a Threat to All That We Hold Dear in This Nation’

Dear Senators Rubio, Scott, and McConnell,

I am a constituent in Ocala, FL, and I have been reading the news about impeachment in several news sources including the available public documents. I care about the impeachment proceedings because they are a part of the rule of law in our government, and failing to follow the rule of law is a threat to all that we hold dear in this nation.

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‘This Should Not Be a Democrat Versus Republican War’

Dear Senator Baldwin,

I am new to civic involvement, but I have been following the impeachment proceedings closely. I’ve also been following you since I voted for you and have been very impressed with your platform, your belief systems, and your advocacy for minority groups. I am a white, middle-class moderate, but I believe that every person in this country deserves equal rights and to be treated with respect.

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‘Do What Is Right, Let the Consequence Follow’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee, 

24 years ago, when I was a 16-year-old attending Girls State at Southern Utah University, I threw back my shoulders and proudly declared, “I love my government, but I hate politics.” That was how I “ran” for our mock House of Representatives, and it has felt like an honest statement to me in all the years since. 

On the edge of a new decade, I look out my front window at the summit of Mount Timpanogos and I feel much the same. But now, rather than feeling pride and confidence in our government, I feel a deep sense of dread and disillusionment.

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‘I Vote My Conscience and Seek to Support Political Candidates Who Exemplify Ethical Decision Making’

Dear Senators Murray, Cantwell, and McConnell,

I am an unaffiliated member of no political party. I vote my conscience and seek to support political candidates who exemplify ethical decision making, who value what is best for “the least of these” rather than what is expedient for a political party. 

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings and reading a wide variety of news sources and historical events. I have paid close attention to your positions and actions. 

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‘I Have Been Overwhelmed With Worry About Our Country’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am writing to you again to encourage you to continue to act in a bipartisan manner and insist on a fair and full impeachment trial in the Senate. Judging from the House hearings, it is entirely clear that more witnesses and more documentation are required for the full proceedings of President Trump’s call in July to be clearly laid out and revealed.

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‘Silence Can Be Interpreted as Condoning the Decisions and Actions of Our Leaders

Dear Senators Blackburn and Alexander,

I have never been one to attend rallies, write representatives, or volunteer for campaigns. I guess I have always been in the silent majority. It hasn’t been until now that I have been compelled to write to my representatives. Silence can be interpreted as condoning the decisions and actions of our leaders. I do not condone what has been going on since Donald Trump became President of the United States. Because of him and the complicity of the Republicans in both the House and the Senate, I can no longer call myself a Republican. I am now an Independent. 

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‘Our Country, Our Constitution, Our Citizens Deserve an Ethical, Responsible Impeachment Proceeding’

Dear Senators Feinstein, Harris, and McConnell,

I am a long-term Californian, an Independent voter, a veteran, a mental health professional, a civic minded citizen, a father and husband.  I voted for you in the last elections.

Of course I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to media and news organizations, reading the news, receiving information from my employer and union, and other organizations. 

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