Category: Protecting Democracy (Page 1 of 6)

Letters in Response to Trump Administration Firing 5 Inspectors General

On May 15, 2020 President Trump fired the nonpartisan inspector general of the State Department. This is the fifth inspector general Trump has fired in the past two months. Trump’s firing of five inspectors general continues a pattern of behavior intended to shield the presidency from oversight and should be deeply troubling to all Americans. Congress must hold the Trump administration accountable for these unprecedented and unethical firings. The following are excerpts from a portion of the letters written in response to MWEG’s call to action on this issue.

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An Open “Thank You” Letter to Senator Romney Following the Vote

On February 5, 2020, Senator Mitt Romney gave a speech on the Senate floor to explain his tremendously courageous vote to convict President Trump on one article of impeachment. He said, “Like each member of this deliberative body, I love our country. I believe that our Constitution was inspired by Providence. I am convinced that freedom itself is dependent on the strength and vitality of our national character. As it is with each senator, my vote is an act of conviction.”

Mormon Women for Ethical Government wrote the following open letter to Senator Romney, which hundreds of citizens have signed to echo their thanks.

Dear Senator Romney,

Thank you. Today you spoke out in defense of our constitutional norms and the rule of law. You cast a vote for the balance of powers and the institutional integrity of the Senate. You cast a vote in defense of free elections and the fair exercise of our national power. But most importantly, you cast a vote in defense of truth and with the power of personal conscience.

We join you in expressing our commitment to these principles. As citizens, we are grateful for your willingness to act at great personal cost and express our commitment to find ways that we too will join you in acting courageously in defense of our democracy.

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An Open “Thank You” Letter to Senator Romney

On Friday, January 31, 2020, Senator Mitt Romney was one of only two Republican senators to vote for witnesses in the impeachment trial. In doing so, he showed courage and independence that should be commended, as he apparently did so without the support of party leadership. Mormon Women for Ethical Government wrote the following open letter to Senator Romney, which hundreds of citizens have signed to echo their thanks.

Dear Senator Romney,

We are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and the unaffiliated. Our combined voices represent the majority of American voters who wanted witnesses in the impeachment trial. Thank you for being the type of leader who courageously seeks for truth, especially when faced with great opposition from within your own party. We stand with you in your decision to do what was right, letting the consequences follow. 

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An Open “Thank You” Letter to Senator Collins

On Friday, January 31, 2020, Senator Susan Collins was one of only two Republican senators to vote for witnesses in the impeachment trial. In doing so, she showed courage and independence that should be commended. Mormon Women for Ethical Government wrote the following open letter to Senator Collins, which hundreds of citizens have signed to echo their thanks.

Dear Senator Collins,

We are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and the unaffiliated. Our combined voices represent the majority of American voters who wanted witnesses in the impeachment trial. Thank you for voting for those witnesses, especially in the face of opposition of many in your party. We need courageous, independent leaders such as yourself to stand up for truth at this time.

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‘I Care About the Impeachment Proceedings Because I Care About the Discernment of Truth, and the Discovery of Evidence’

Dear Senators Jones and Shelby,

I am a constituent who reaches out to my representatives when I feel strongly about issues. I am a mother of three, an artist, and currently obtaining my MSW (master’s in social work) from Samford University. I care deeply about ethical practices in all aspects of society, from community issues to Washington politics.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to a significant portion of the hearing in the House and trial in the Senate.

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‘Let the Facts Speak for Themselves and Let Justice Weigh the Evidence’

Dear Senators McSally and Sinema,

Right now, you have the opportunity to make a decision that has the potential to change our country for better or for worse for generations to come. The decision you have to make is much bigger than deciding the guilt or innocence of President Trump, it will outlast your political career, and will set a precedent for all future impeachment proceedings.

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‘Please Consider Your Legacy and How History Will Remember Where You Stand’

Dear Senator Lee,

I am a registered Republican, a temple recommend-holding 71-year-old grandmother, and one of your constituents. I have followed and witnessed with increasing despair the shocking and blatant disregard by our current president for moral decency, common courtesy, and basic civility in his speech and in his dealings, both at home and abroad. This hubris has led him to commit unlawful and unconstitutional acts for which the House of Representatives has impeached him.

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‘I Believe Our Very Democracy Is Under Attack’

Dear Senator Gardner,

I am your constituent, a patriotic American, and a registered member of the Democratic party. 

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by reading a wide variety of news sources. Because of what I am hearing, I care strongly about the impeachment hearings — I believe our very democracy is under attack by a president who continually believes he is above the law.

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‘It Is Constitutionally Appropriate to Hold Our President and Other Elected Officials Accountable’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a mother and a patriotic American.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by watching and listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources, and reading the public documents.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because I believe we should have an ethical and moral government free from interference from outside influence.

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‘Our Leaders Must Be Willing to Reach Across the Aisle and Foster an Environment of Open Discussion’

Dear Senators Kaine, McConnell, and Warner,

I have been a resident of Spotsylvania County, Virginia, for 8 years. My husband and I are active in our community, in our five children’s schools, and in our church. We run a successful small business and are grateful for the life we have been blessed with.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings, and I am deeply concerned by the partisan politics hindering this constitutional process.

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