Tag: Republican (Page 1 of 2)

‘This Is Not a Problem to Kick Down the Road’

Dear Senators Romney and Lee,

During this time that we celebrate Earth Day I am reminded that the most effective thing we can do to combat climate change is to use legislative power to change our practices as a community.

I am a long time registered Republican mom of three, and am also presently working in elementary schools across the State as part of the iSEE network. I see these kids and realize it is my responsibility to hand off the planet to them in the best shape I can.

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‘Please Consider Your Legacy and How History Will Remember Where You Stand’

Dear Senator Lee,

I am a registered Republican, a temple recommend-holding 71-year-old grandmother, and one of your constituents. I have followed and witnessed with increasing despair the shocking and blatant disregard by our current president for moral decency, common courtesy, and basic civility in his speech and in his dealings, both at home and abroad. This hubris has led him to commit unlawful and unconstitutional acts for which the House of Representatives has impeached him.

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‘Our Freedoms, Our National Security, and the Culture and Fabric of Our Nation Are at Risk’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I continue to watch the impeachment situation closely and feel a need to speak up (again) to encourage you to do all within your power to ensure a full and fair impeachment trial. Witnesses, especially those closest to the events at issue, must be required to testify. If, as the president contends, he has done nothing wrong, then witness testimony will exonerate him. 

Based on the testimony I have heard in the House proceedings, I believe our president has (clearly, obviously, brazenly) abused the power he holds on behalf of the citizens of this nation. His actions pose risks to our security that are not limited to one party, and the response to those risks must not be party-line. 

His decision to order the attack on general Qasem Soleimani is a horrifying example that demonstrates too clearly how his impulsivity and egocentric self-interest can cost innocent lives, the unintended “lateral damage” resulting from a provocative and ill-considered act. I believe he bears partial responsibility for the deaths of two American servicemen yesterday and the 176 civilians who perished when Iran downed the Ukrainian airliner. 

We have laws that provide boundaries on personal conduct to protect all of us. Our freedoms, our national security, and the culture and fabric of our nation are at risk if the impeachment process continues to be more about party loyalty than about the president’s conduct. The rule of law must “trump” Trump. A full, fair, and impartial impeachment trial is essential.

Let me be clear that this registered Republican will be voting for a Democrat in the fall if Republicans all line up in lock step to support, excuse, justify, appease, placate, and/or vindicate the president.

I stand with other Mormon Women for Ethical Government in asserting that any “leader who forces political support and fails to honor and protect the free and legitimate elections on which our republic rests has lost the moral right to govern.”

Pamela, UT

‘This Should Not Be a Democrat Versus Republican War’

Dear Senator Baldwin,

I am new to civic involvement, but I have been following the impeachment proceedings closely. I’ve also been following you since I voted for you and have been very impressed with your platform, your belief systems, and your advocacy for minority groups. I am a white, middle-class moderate, but I believe that every person in this country deserves equal rights and to be treated with respect.

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‘I Love the U.S., the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Government of the People, by the People and for the People’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am a constituent currently registered as a Republican voter, mother, attorney, former teacher, community activist, patriotic American, and someone who has been contacting my representatives for years.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by reading a wide variety of news sources and reading the public documents.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because I love the United States, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and government of the people, by the people and for the people.

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‘I Have Left the Party Because of the Deep Concern I Have’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am a voter in Utah who has affiliated with the Republican Party for my entire adult life, but I have left the party because of the deep concern I have regarding the actions of Republican lawmakers and leaders. The current degree of partisanship in Congress is unprecedented in my lifetime, and I am baffled by Republicans’ continued willingness to demonstrate blind party loyalty, especially when that loyalty conflicts with long-held conservative values.

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‘The Republican Party Which I Have Long Supported Has Turned a Blind Eye’

Dear Senator Portman,

I am a Cincinnati resident and have long admired your bipartisan efforts in the past, especially in your cooperation with Senator Brown. I have been closely following the impeachment hearings in the House as well as the details surrounding the President’s questionable affiliations with foreign governments. Because my husband studied how Putin uses Russian propaganda during his graduate studies, we recognized Trump’s troubling patterns before he was even elected and have been appalled that the Republican party which I have long supported has turned a blind eye and even defended his actions. 

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‘I Believe You to Be an Ethical and Diplomatic Leader’

Dear Senator Romney,

I am so pleased that you are serving in the United States Senate, as I believe you to be an ethical and diplomatic leader, and one that we desperately need right now. I am a Republican from Sandy, and it’s been my privilege to be somewhat involved politically, as a Republican state delegate and precinct chair. I’ve recently become involved with Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) because I see a desperate need for ethical and moderate Republican voices to be heard.

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‘It Will Take Moral Courage to Not Simply Decide as a Republican to Protect the President’

Dear Senators Lee and Romney,

I am a registered Republican voter. I beg you to help make the Senate impeachment trial a full and fair process. This means (1) breaking with those in the party who seem mainly interesting in maintaining personal or party power; (2) encouraging senators on both sides to minimize specious arguments that merely delay proceedings and confuse the electorate, and (3) invite sworn, relevant testimony (e.g., from John Bolton). 

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‘We Should Be First and Foremost Loyal to the Country and Its Constitution’

Dear Senators Alexander and Blackburn,

I am a former Republican, now an Independent. The Republican Party has lost its moorings in “The Age Of Trump.” There is no place there for me anymore, so I could not stay. I cannot, will not, support a President who constantly lies, bullies and berates anyone who is not “loyal” to HIM. We should be first and foremost loyal to the country and its constitution. His brazen attitude concerning the power of the Presidency is very worrisome to me. His erratic behavior is unnerving, and I’m afraid what future “off the cuff” decisions he may make that will negatively affect the nation and the world. He is tearing this country apart as he constantly pits democrats and republicans against each other. 

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