Tag: McConnell (Page 2 of 2)

‘No One Is Too Young to Be Affected by the Decisions of Their Political Representatives’

Dear Senators Gardner, Bennet, and McConnell,

I am a seventeen-year-old constituent of Colorado. Though I am not considered old enough to vote now, I will meet the age requirements by the November elections. Of course, no one is too young to care about or be affected by the decisions of their political representatives, and I am certainly no exception.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings, reading a wide variety of news sources, and discussing all of this with my family and classmates. You and I are alike in our exposure to diverse viewpoints concerning this matter.

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‘I Believe You to Be an Ethical and Diplomatic Leader’

Dear Senator Romney,

I am so pleased that you are serving in the United States Senate, as I believe you to be an ethical and diplomatic leader, and one that we desperately need right now. I am a Republican from Sandy, and it’s been my privilege to be somewhat involved politically, as a Republican state delegate and precinct chair. I’ve recently become involved with Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) because I see a desperate need for ethical and moderate Republican voices to be heard.

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‘Each Senator Is Required by Constitutional Oath to Be an Impartial Juror’

Dear Senators Lee, McConnell, and Romney,

I am a seventy year old Utahan and in all my years I have never been so fearful for the fate of the country I love. I have always voted but it has only been during this presidency that I have felt the need to contact my representatives on a regular basis. I have been shocked and saddened by the unethical, cruel and petty actions of our current president. His actions on Ukraine are just the tipping point.

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‘I Value the System of Government I Live Under’

Dear Senators Crapo and Risch,

I am a republican, physician, father of three, soon to be four, and a long-time Idahoan with deep Idaho roots on both sides of my family. My father was in the Air Force and I grew up living on military bases, learning patriotism and respect for my local and national elected leaders. I value the system of government I live under and support as a U.S. citizen. 

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‘The Framers Intended that the Senate Would Act Independently of the White House’

Dear Senators Peters and Stabenow,

I followed the House’s impeachment proceedings last year. The witnesses we heard were credible and honest, with nothing to gain by testifying. I came to the conclusion that President Trump did indeed direct foreign policy in an effort to benefit himself politically. 

Now it is time for the Senate to conduct its trial. Additional information has surfaced since the House proceedings, and we still haven’t heard from Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton. Their witness and testimony are vital to get an accurate and complete picture.

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‘I Care About the Impeachment Proceedings Because My Key Value Has Always Been Truth’

Dear Senators Feinstein and Harris,

I am a constituent, and proud of your wisdom and leadership. I was a lifelong Republican, until these dark years. I’m grateful for my progressive friends who have extended their patience and mercy towards me as I woke up and learned increased empathy and understanding. I’m currently an independent that leans heavily progressive.

As a woman who has worked in the male-dominated tech field, as a mother who sees the challenges first-hand, raising biracial daughters, the issues that matter most to me include equality, inclusiveness, healthcare for all, and safety. The fact that our nation has been on a course that continually veers away from the issues that matter to me and so many families across this nation, is sobering.

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‘I Am a Republican, a Mother, and a Native Alaskan’

Dear Senators McConnell, Murkowski, and Sullivan,

I am a Republican, a mother, and a Native Alaskan.

I have been following the news of the impeachment proceedings by listening to the hearings and reading a wide variety of news sources.

I care about the impeachment proceedings because they symbolize the state of our democracy.

I want to see a full and fair trial in the Senate because that is the only way to sustain and uphold the rule of law for all citizens.

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